Paranormal Activity = epic fail


Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
boring as hell.., some dude with a camera talking crap the whole movie .. 2 or 3 scary parts within the 2 hour movie. watch something else it sucked. :prof01:
boring as hell.., some dude with a camera talking crap the whole movie .. 2 or 3 scary parts within the 2 hour movie. watch something else it sucked. :prof01:
I totally agree. I watched it a few nights ago. Ending was very disappointing too.
Lol, it looked like shit on the trailer ;p
like home made crap
lol i was about to watch the movies .lol..
thanks for saving my time.... :P
now i will not watch it..
Yeah I stumbled across it online and watched it. I even turned everything off to try and make it better but didn't really help. I don't know what all the hype is about.
Watch zombieland
law abiding citizen
and halloween II
Even cloudy with a chance of meatballs was good
I agree. I went to see it last night expecting a good scary movie.

Instead I laughed through it all while my little cousin grabbed me on the side trying to hide herself.
i watched mirrors it was an ok movie..

Exorcist is the best Horror movie ever
Anyone know if they would laugh or cry seeing this happen before their eyes? :)
Watch zombieland
law abiding citizen
and halloween II
Even cloudy with a chance of meatballs was good

Zombieland was good.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was actually amazing. I remember that being my favorite book when I was little, and I went into the theater expecting to be disappointed...but I wasn't. I honestly don't laugh out loud at many things, but this movie had me laughing pretty consistently. I've recommended it to a few people, and they have all had good things to say about it as well after having seen it.
You guys don't know shit about horror movies, go watch Phantasm.
I liked it. I thought it was creepy.

Then again i saw it in theaters under the pretense it was REAL :p
The movie was pretty crappy indeed. I hate finicky camera movies though so I already had a bit against it before going in. I went with a group of friends and nobody liked it or found it to be anywhere near as scary as it was hyped up to be. Good horror movies are no longer made. If you want to enjoy some good scares go hit up the horror section at a rental store and rent anything made before 1992.
if you look for movies made before 1980 you'll find some really freaky ones :D

Indeed. Some of the black and white movies I have seen have been extremely scary. Something about the color...or I guess I should say the lack of color. Plus, you really can't beat the fairly cheesy fun of movies like Night of the Comet, Chopping Mall, etc. I don't know how titties, creepy ass music, and jumpy scares got traded for torture and gore. I want to go back in time :(
zombieland sucked ass superhard :D that new final destination sucked ass pretty hard. Didn't download paranormal activity as Utorrent bugged lol , everytime i run it tries to install it lol. The mirrors was fine Jack bauer (timber sutherland)ftw. There isn't many good movies these days lol. Blair witch was fine , there really was nothing special :p Maybe it ruined bit when i read the comments that the movie worked and there read what happened in the end :D Grudge and boogey man ? (how ever you write it) were pretty scary also 28 days / weeks later series are good :)