Paid a Huge Markup on an Oculus Quest


Elite Member
Aug 15, 2015
Reaction score
Before I went completely off retail margins I did some retail arbitrage and dropshipping. Today I was on the opposite side of this as someone has clearly been sniping the Oculus Quest and selling them on Amazon for a 30% markup.

I guess the pandemic has been a pretty good driver for VR.

Still bought one. I regret nothing.
Before I went completely off retail margins I did some retail arbitrage and dropshipping. Today I was on the opposite side of this as someone has clearly been sniping the Oculus Quest and selling them on Amazon for a 30% markup.

I guess the pandemic has been a pretty good driver for VR.

Still bought one. I regret nothing.

I still haven't used mine much because for me every game is a vomit simulator.
I still haven't used mine much because for me every game is a vomit simulator.

Played with one over the weekend and it was alright. Felt a bit motion sick on a kayak game when I went too quickly from a standing start but got a good couple of hours in without issue overall. Someone said if you do experience it just keep your sessions short while you get used to it.

How is the graphic quality? I have the PSVR and its not really high res.

I have nothing to compare it to as it's my first VR experience but from what I gather it's higher res than the PSVR. Don't quote me on that though. The selling point for me was not having cables or needing another device, it's small enough I can travel with if I make some room for it.