page 2 for a very difficult keyword. how to reach page one?


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score

as the title says, i ran a seo campaign to rank for a kw and now i'm in page 2. but page one is proving to be really difficult to penetrate. any suggestions as to what else to do?

i have good on page seo, built every kind of links to it: blog comments, web2.0s, forum profiles, bookmarks, etc.
Time for some authority links... the best option is of course your own PBN, but if you don't have one, either guest posts or PBN paid links are a suitable alternative.
I agreed with tony, You might also build some additional tiers 2 links to your tier 1, even if you've built some already.
Depending on the niche you are in the difficulty to move up the ranks is almost Logarithmic in scale. While you can get an easy ride to page #2 with good old tactics (blog comments, web2.0s, forum profiles, bookmarks, etc.) you may need a significant change of game to get long lasting results inside page #1.

Guest posts from existing authority sites (if you can get them) are worth the investment, private blog networks can be expensive in both time and money, but done correctly they make all the difference.
Depending on the niche you are in the difficulty to move up the ranks is almost Logarithmic in scale. While you can get an easy ride to page #2 with good old tactics (blog comments, web2.0s, forum profiles, bookmarks, etc.) you may need a significant change of game to get long lasting results inside page #1.

Guest posts from existing authority sites (if you can get them) are worth the investment, private blog networks can be expensive in both time and money, but done correctly they make all the difference.

exactly.. this is how i'm feeling right now. it wasn't that easy to get to page 2, but now that i'm here, it feels like what got me here won't get me to page one. i've tried doubling, even tripling the amount of links, but nothing yet.

the kw is extremely difficult according to traffic travis.

any service for pbn or high PA blog posts?
Time for some authority links... the best option is of course your own PBN, but if you don't have one, either guest posts or PBN paid links are a suitable alternative.


With those kinds of links(web 2.0 etc) you can reach page 2 easily but to climb the page 1 you will need some strong links. Get around 10 of them and see how it goes. Been getting good results this way.