Elite Member
- Dec 2, 2009
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Hello guys I just want to share my 2 little methods that give me small but almost automated income.
You have a start up time of maximum 1-2 hours and then you can make small ammounts of cash each day.
I usualy make 100 to 300$ a month with this method with a few hours of work.
When I was activly doing it my record was 800$ in a month(Well 3-4 hours a day almost each day)
First method - Reselling of Currency and CD keys
What we are going to resell here is World of Warcraft Gold or gold for any other MMORPG.
First of let me explain what WOW Is.
World of Warcraft is a game released and developed by Blizzard.
It currently has 11 000 000 paying subscribers mainly in the USA and in Europe. So people are used to paying for this game.
What we are going to do is buy WOW gold from 2 sites I will tell you(I am not affliated with them in any way) and then we we will resell it on 2 BIG Trading Forums for WOW and other MMOS.
World of Warcraft has 2 MAIN Servers - US AND EU
Each of the 2 Main servers has many SUB servers like - Ahn'Quiraji / Al'akir/ Darkspear/Bloodmoon/Steamwhield Cartel etc etc
Usualy gold is measured in Ks(1000 gold).
There are 2 delivery methods - By Auction House the buyer has to post an auction and your delivery guy will buy it. You don't even need a WOW account.
The Second delivery method is by direct trade(face2face) most people preffer this.
First of the sites we will buy the currency from :
1.Gameusd -
They usualy sell 1000 gold(1k) for 1.2 $ for up to 3$ on both US and EU servers.
They usualy sell it a bit more expensive but you can also buy CD keys for both WOW and other MMOS. You can buy CD keys for Various games and resell them too for profit, becouse Offgamers sell them cheaper than retail.
You can also buy currency for other games except WOW
Places you will sell your Currency and CD keys for WOW and other games.
1. Wowtrade -
The admin there is an Asshole(Rokh) happily if I remember correctly he logs on like once each 2-3 months so you don't have to worry bout it.
There is a trading section for WOW Gold but you can also sell WOW Cd keys there and other game currency and cd keys.
This forum is much larger and has many trading sections. The Staff there is really nice and there is a really large userbase.
You sell the gold and CD keys in different sections here though. I usually sell up to 50k per month which means atleast 100-150$ profit.
If you buy the gold for 1.5$/K TRY TO sell it it for 3.5$/k or more.
Basicly you use the same 2 forums but instead of selling Gold you are sellling Leveling(power-leveling).
You can hire workers from one of the forums and sell in the other forum. Or you can hire someone and sell to someone from the same forum.
Basicly when you are selling Gold or Powerleveling you should repeat how safe and fast your service is.
You won't make lots of cash unless you got a website and SEO and PPC the hell out of it(Top 10 Guys for those keywords make atleast 50-150$/day)
I hope I helped if you got any more questions please ASK.
You have a start up time of maximum 1-2 hours and then you can make small ammounts of cash each day.
I usualy make 100 to 300$ a month with this method with a few hours of work.
When I was activly doing it my record was 800$ in a month(Well 3-4 hours a day almost each day)
First method - Reselling of Currency and CD keys
What we are going to resell here is World of Warcraft Gold or gold for any other MMORPG.
First of let me explain what WOW Is.
World of Warcraft is a game released and developed by Blizzard.
It currently has 11 000 000 paying subscribers mainly in the USA and in Europe. So people are used to paying for this game.
What we are going to do is buy WOW gold from 2 sites I will tell you(I am not affliated with them in any way) and then we we will resell it on 2 BIG Trading Forums for WOW and other MMOS.
World of Warcraft has 2 MAIN Servers - US AND EU
Each of the 2 Main servers has many SUB servers like - Ahn'Quiraji / Al'akir/ Darkspear/Bloodmoon/Steamwhield Cartel etc etc
Usualy gold is measured in Ks(1000 gold).
There are 2 delivery methods - By Auction House the buyer has to post an auction and your delivery guy will buy it. You don't even need a WOW account.
The Second delivery method is by direct trade(face2face) most people preffer this.
First of the sites we will buy the currency from :
1.Gameusd -
They usualy sell 1000 gold(1k) for 1.2 $ for up to 3$ on both US and EU servers.
They usualy sell it a bit more expensive but you can also buy CD keys for both WOW and other MMOS. You can buy CD keys for Various games and resell them too for profit, becouse Offgamers sell them cheaper than retail.
You can also buy currency for other games except WOW
Places you will sell your Currency and CD keys for WOW and other games.
1. Wowtrade -
The admin there is an Asshole(Rokh) happily if I remember correctly he logs on like once each 2-3 months so you don't have to worry bout it.
There is a trading section for WOW Gold but you can also sell WOW Cd keys there and other game currency and cd keys.
This forum is much larger and has many trading sections. The Staff there is really nice and there is a really large userbase.
You sell the gold and CD keys in different sections here though. I usually sell up to 50k per month which means atleast 100-150$ profit.
If you buy the gold for 1.5$/K TRY TO sell it it for 3.5$/k or more.
Basicly you use the same 2 forums but instead of selling Gold you are sellling Leveling(power-leveling).
You can hire workers from one of the forums and sell in the other forum. Or you can hire someone and sell to someone from the same forum.
Basicly when you are selling Gold or Powerleveling you should repeat how safe and fast your service is.
You won't make lots of cash unless you got a website and SEO and PPC the hell out of it(Top 10 Guys for those keywords make atleast 50-150$/day)
I hope I helped if you got any more questions please ASK.