Outrank a site with 400k backlinks ?


Registered Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Can it be done. In addition many of the backlinks are gov and edu. Other then huge amount of backlinks they don't have very good seo from what I see.

Ideas ?
that wouldn't be easy, but one question to ask is simply this... how many links does #2 have? And does number two have the keywords in the domain? You know the normal SEO stuff. Maybe you could knock off #2, then take aim at #1.

In another of mine I speak of a DDOS attack on a client's website, I say that to say this... we have worked and worked to get to the front page of Google (very competitive niche) and we accomplished it. But at the same time, other sites are also vying for the same ranking, so the effort must continue.

Think about what #1 did to get there, and even more important, what are they contining to do.
It is possible to outrank by creating same or large amount of backlink in smarter way than them. Like implement link wheel, blog farming, internal blog development etc....
There is no definitive answer, especially without looking at the site itself.
However, I am sure that a link wheel of web20 properties is unlikely to outweigh gov and edu backlinks. Try to analyze top 3 sites for your keyword, volume is not essential, if you can beat with quality backlinks and unique content. Dos attacks can disrupt competition but will not eliminate the site from search, aged one anyways.
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Content is king bro . . .

Instead of spending $0.25 / link.

Spend $100k in content. . . . you would get close.