Opening My own credit card processing company


Regular Member
May 23, 2009
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hi every body does any body know how i can open my own merchant credit card processing company i want to be the actual credit card processor any help on how to get started will be appreciated please
hi every body does any body know how i can open my own merchant credit card processing company i want to be the actual credit card processor any help on how to get started will be appreciated please

Any Body?
yes money and then some lawyers, then some more money, then some accountants, then some mroe money for insurance... and money.

I think that covers it.

Contact Visa and master card. The are always looking for new vendors to make more money for them.
Get yourself CISP compliant. Then apply to all the CC companies. It'll cost you
between $10 and $30k a year to be CISP compliant alone. Then you will need
something a bit stronger than SSL for your servers.
And make sure you've never as much as farted in Sunday school
before you apply.
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yes money and then some lawyers, then some more money, then some accountants, then some mroe money for insurance... and money.

I think that covers it.

Contact Visa and master card. The are always looking for new vendors to make more money for them.

so what your saying is i should i contact visa or master card to get started ?
Not any east task..Mos def not a good idea for a startup buisness..You need to be already established with capital or investors.Even then success will be the biggest challange.

An example of a recenlty started CC proccesing company is Revolution Money Exchange, they are backed by investments from U.S.Bank and AOL.Capital is a must
Unless you sit on a pile of money with no end to it, I honestly think there are a couple of other businesses you could do before becoming your own CC processing company. Think about the systems they've invested for fraud-detection ....I believe there's like 10-15% trying to fraud my site every day; especially when I get emails from's asking why they cannot sign up with 'their' creditcard. Uh huh ;)