Paranoid Android
Elite Member
- Jun 20, 2010
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(v1.o1 code here
Signup to and get a free $18 credit and an API key. Stick the API key into the script, insert wordpress domain, username and application password. Please find out how to create an Application Password so that you don't have to use your real password.
Install pyCharm or IDLE, install the required libraries shown in the top 2 lines. If you don't know how to do this, learn.
Enter 1 question per line, or use a file q.txt to import a bunch of questions.
Choose to save output in files to be used later, or have them posted to wp directly, or post the content from files to wp. Sell the content files, do what you want with it.
Be sure to format questions properly and ask very descriptive questions and include a word count too if possible as required. Here is a sample question and answer from GPT3
So, here is the code. Not fully debugged, error handling not done properly. My first test worked and I'm posting this here. Will improve on this depending on how welcome this script is on the forum.
I hope the human writers of BHW don't gang up and order a hit on me. I'm doing this for dopamine, nothing else.
Please post your questions, requests, comments, suggestions, bug reports (150 lines of code can't have that many bugs) right here. PM me and it will be I ordering a hitman for you.
Happy Blogging.
Signup to and get a free $18 credit and an API key. Stick the API key into the script, insert wordpress domain, username and application password. Please find out how to create an Application Password so that you don't have to use your real password.
Install pyCharm or IDLE, install the required libraries shown in the top 2 lines. If you don't know how to do this, learn.
Enter 1 question per line, or use a file q.txt to import a bunch of questions.
Choose to save output in files to be used later, or have them posted to wp directly, or post the content from files to wp. Sell the content files, do what you want with it.
Be sure to format questions properly and ask very descriptive questions and include a word count too if possible as required. Here is a sample question and answer from GPT3
Sample Question: Tell me about guitar strings in 200 words
Sample Answer below has only 199 words... OpenAI is a bitch
Guitar strings are one of the most important aspects of the instrument, and the type of string you use can have
a big impact on your sound. There are a variety of different types of strings available, each with their own
unique properties.
The most common type of string is the steel string, which is most often used on acoustic guitars. Steel strings
are known for their bright, clear tone and are a good choice for most styles of music.
If you're looking for a warmer, more mellow sound, you might want to try a set of nylon strings. Nylon strings
are typically used on classical and flamenco guitars, and they offer a softer, more delicate sound.
If you're looking for the ultimate in shredding capabilities, you'll want to check out a set of stainless steel
strings. These strings are incredibly durable and can stand up to serious abuse, making them a good choice for
metal and hard rock players.
No matter what type of music you play, there's a set of guitar strings that's perfect for you. With so many
different types available, there's no reason not to experiment until you find the perfect set for your sound.
So, here is the code. Not fully debugged, error handling not done properly. My first test worked and I'm posting this here. Will improve on this depending on how welcome this script is on the forum.
I hope the human writers of BHW don't gang up and order a hit on me. I'm doing this for dopamine, nothing else.
Please post your questions, requests, comments, suggestions, bug reports (150 lines of code can't have that many bugs) right here. PM me and it will be I ordering a hitman for you.
import os,openai, requests
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
# OpenAI Tweaks
aitemperature = 0.7
maxtokens = 100
'''OpenAI Key goes within the quotes'''
openai_key = 'Key Here'
'''Paths. Change these only if you know wtf you're doing'''
generated_content = 'new_content_files/'
uploaded_content = 'content_uploaded_to_wp/'
# WP
wordpress_domain = '' ##DO NOT INCLUDE HTTPS OR WWW OR ANY TRAILING SLASHES. ONLY ENTER domainname.tld
wordpress_username = ''
wordpress_application_password = ''
wordpress_post_status = 'draft'
# Menu Items
singleq = ('''OpenAI is a bitch. Please format your questions clearly.
Sample Question: Tell me about guitar strings in 200 words
Sample Answer below has only 199 words... OpenAI is a bitch
Guitar strings are one of the most important aspects of the instrument, and the type of string you use can have
a big impact on your sound. There are a variety of different types of strings available, each with their own
unique properties.
The most common type of string is the steel string, which is most often used on acoustic guitars. Steel strings
are known for their bright, clear tone and are a good choice for most styles of music.
If you're looking for a warmer, more mellow sound, you might want to try a set of nylon strings. Nylon strings
are typically used on classical and flamenco guitars, and they offer a softer, more delicate sound.
If you're looking for the ultimate in shredding capabilities, you'll want to check out a set of stainless steel
strings. These strings are incredibly durable and can stand up to serious abuse, making them a good choice for
metal and hard rock players.
No matter what type of music you play, there's a set of guitar strings that's perfect for you. With so many
different types available, there's no reason not to experiment until you find the perfect set for your sound.
So, type in your question accordingly: ''')
mainmenu = '''
1: Generate Articles and write them to file
2: Generate Articles and post them to Wordpress
3: Read Articles from file and post them to Wordpress
Wachawannado? : '''
a2menu = '''
1: Imput single question here
2: Read list of questions from file (One question per line)
3: Go back to previous menu
Wachawannadonow? : '''
def post2wp(q, i, flag, content):
if flag:
openai.api_key = openai_key
content = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt=q, temperature=aitemperature,
cred = f'{wordpress_username}:{wordpress_application_password}'
tkn = base64.b64encode(cred.encode())
wpheader = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + tkn.decode('utf-8')}
api_url = f'https://{wordpress_domain}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts'
data = {
'title' : q.capitalize(),
'status': wordpress_post_status,
'content': content,
wp_response =,headers=wpheader, json=data)
print(i, wp_response)
def article2file(q,i):
openai.api_key = openai_key
response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt=q, temperature=aitemperature,
fname = q.replace(' ', '_') + '.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
print(f'Item: {i} in list done.\nQuery string: {q}\nArticle:\n{response}\n\nSaved to {fname}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.exists(generated_content):
if not os.path.exists(uploaded_content):
while True:
wachawannado = int(input(mainmenu))
except ValueError:
print('\nPardon my profanity but you need to enter a fucking number')
if wachawannado == 1: #Article to file
wachawannadonow = int(input(a2menu))
if wachawannadonow == 1: #a2f single
article2file(q=input(singleq), i=1)
elif wachawannadonow == 2: #a2f file
if os.path.exists('q.txt'):
with open('q.txt', 'r') as f:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
executor.submit(article2file, i=i, q=line)
print("Can't find q.txt")
if wachawannado == 2: #Article to Wordpress
wachawannadonow = int(input(a2menu))
if wachawannadonow == 1: #a2wp single
post2wp(q=input(singleq), i=1, flag = True)
elif wachawannadonow == 2: #a2wp file
if os.path.exists('q.txt'):
with open('q.txt', 'r') as f:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
executor.submit(post2wp, q=line, i=i, flag = True)
print("Can't find q.txt")
if wachawannado == 3: #Files to WP
contentfiles = os.listdir(generated_content)
if contentfiles:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor:
for i, file in enumerate(contentfiles):
with open(generated_content+file,'r') as f:
executor.submit(post2wp, flag = False, content =, q = file.replace('_', '').replace('.txt',''), i=i)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Happy Blogging.
Last edited by a moderator: