One thing that can make or break your dropshipping business.


Oct 9, 2014
Reaction score
I have been running my ecommerce store for about two years now. I wouldn't say I'm a veteran yet, but I'm past the stage of getting my feet wet.

Most dropshipping gurus will go on and on about acquiring new customers, which is fine and dandy. However, very few discuss keeping the ones that you already have.

So I would urge anyone who decides to venture into dropshipping to keep on top of their customer service, this could literally make or break your business.


  • First of all, word of mouth goes a long way
  • They've already invested and trusted your business enough to give over their hard earned cash.
  • They've already been convinced about what you do (that is if you're doing your dropshipping right!)

If there's an issue, email them straight away. A hefty discount off their next purchase goes a long way in calming down most customers. However, if they're irate and unreasonable and have a valid complaint, just refund the money and move on with your life. It's not worth the long term agro.

As stated before, word of mouth goes a long way. No budding business needs someone blabbing on social media about how they've been scammed or what not..while this may happen at times, it shouldn't be due to your negligence.

Email marketing doesn't have to be about deals and what they can buy from you, a simple card like a Christmas card with your brand logo and design will keep you fresh in their minds.

By staying on top of customer service my store gets repeat business, and has made some long-term customers to boot.

Another thing I would suggest, if you are indeed on top of your customer service, is when you have a happy customer, ask them to leave a review in review sites such Trustpilot or Sitejabber. This will build authority and get you some traffic.
While I know a lot of blackhatters do this themselves, nothing beats a genuine customer leaving a genuine review.

Customer service should ALWAYS be first when building a business, and not an afterthought when an angry customer pulls you through the wringer.

Ok guys, that is all. ;)
This advice applies to any business in general. Customer service must be at the top of priorities. Thanks for the post!
This advice applies to any business in general. Customer service must be at the top of priorities. Thanks for the post!

Yep, you're absolutely right. I just find, when it comes to dropshipping, many people don't treat it like it's an actual sustainable business. As in, making sure that customers actually want to return to your shop, rather than just acquiring customers.
You're correct. It's something that's being widely underestimated by dropshippers..another easy way to get your ad-account and $$$ frozen.
Some good points, though, It is true for any business model in my opinion.