I will come up with something, Make some BS book about using it for adsense, adult ctc, something, and take all earnings to donate to the BHW,
I would be pissed if someone took this idea and I see it over there....
You would be pissed? I think I will take it over there
"Is Ads*ense really dead?"
"How would you like to increase your CTR by 500% and do it without being banned?
Dear Bob,
Let me tell you a little about me. My name is Mr FU and I have been struggling on the internet for years buying everything and anything to make money online. I was broke living on my sisters, brothers, mothers, uncles couch.
Then one day while talking to my brothers, cousins, aunts, uncle. I learned something from him that was so profound. You see he was a programmer for NASA. He built the alogrithms of the demaflichmalodgealater. He discovered that using the same exact alogrithms he could make a script that would make money online while you sleep.
So let me introduce you to the amazing,super,secret script.
Ad*sense FUCMIYC Fu Catch Me If You Can script was designed by top programmers in NASA and untraceable by the CIA.
The new SECRET script will allow you to watch your ads*ense earnings climb to never before seen heights. You will be rolling in 50 gallon barrels of cold hard cash. Don't believe me? see proof below thats an actual screenshot from the adsen*se account that I made $9683476476476457.00 in my first week.
So there you have it .I'm not going to tell you to buy this script. I personally don't care if you buy it or not. That just means more money your going to lose out to someone else.
We are only going to release 325 copies and there is 2 copies left.
So you can continue doing nothing and being broke or you can help yourself make a change and show those people that don't believe in you, that your not a piece of shit.
and if you act now we will throw in the whatsamadojigee FREE!!
Your choice is to leave which I prefer because thats more money for me or you can buy the script and make money it's that simple