One last thing about wordpress from me.


Sep 14, 2008
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Ok so ive downloaded some nice templates, got them working at all... but it seems like i can do shit all customisation of them unless i know html and php.

Seriously... i feel so useless when it comes to wordpress... I will pay someone $10 to set a wordpress up with a template i can modify. I cant even seem to upload blogger right!
If you don't know a little html or php there is probably no template you can modify. I don't know what modifications you are trying to make but a lot of things can be done with the widgets.

What mods are you trying to do? Do you have an example of a blog that has the mods you want?
dude u need at least get into html lol! learn that stuff, its so easy and important man.. its a must, especially if u wanna earn money..

then ull be able to modify wp templates ;) u can pm me the code and tell me what u want modified if u want. keep those $10.. ;)
cutie, ur breaking my heart seeing that you cant even install WP
what happened? what were you doing when it was being taught in class?

yes thats right, you cant modify a template if you dont understand html/php

better hire a cheap coder or take a few days and study
Yeah, you need some basic html knowledge to customize templates. PHP knowledge is not really needed for simple tweaks.

For basic html-functions: search google. For example search for: html code insert link, or html code center image,...

Put the code in your template-editor in WP, save changes, and look for the result. If it doesn't show the result you wanted, try another placement of your code. It's trial and error till you get it right.
Lol that's great - we get many responses with everyone saying the same thing. Help the poor guy -

To the OP - HTML is good - PHP even better. But it will be a while before you can actually learn these things.

You can modify a template alright without knowing PHP - but you will need to know atleast the basics of XHTML/CSS for it to work. Here is a link to an extremely basic tutorial on XHTML - it will get you started. ( ) The question is experimenting. As you begin experimenting you shall begin learning in a matter of time.

If you've got questions, ask in the programming section and they will be answered by seniors out here.

Go for it.
Or, i could save time and just use blogger lol? =) i like the whole click and drag thing, i have other things i need to do. I do know some html, like, ive played around with blogger html stuff before. I just google the term 'html code for xxxx'. I will look at my ilacrimo template on my wordpress and see where the right side bar is located in the code. If i cant find it, i will just work out how to set up blogger on my site
if you are gonna seriously get into php ( u might aswell get into coldfusion, its a scripting language like php but way more secure:
Stop scaring the crap out of the guy. LOL

Ok, I agree with everyone that you are going to have to learn a little bit of HTML - if nothing else so you can identify where files are and how to find them and swap them out.

Start yourself off easy, and be sure to find a template that is as close as you can get for what you want. Download a few of them.

Just pick a nice one to use for now, and just get your content started. Search engines don't give a flying flip what your blog "looks" like. You need to focus more on getting something pleasant up quickly and the content. Then you will have plenty of time on the side to look at templates later and tweek them up.
Hey buddy, I'll get it set up for you for free pm me the details.

I should have some time tomorrow.
its ok fun4uoc im very familiar with blogger so im going to use blogger, i only wanted wordpress cos of the pages thing... but i didnt know you can do that with blogger easily with categories lol... or just tags. I changed the CNAME on my domain account to yesterday, hopefully ive done everything right. My blog has a blogspot domain in it atm, but not for long.
its ok fun4uoc im very familiar with blogger so im going to use blogger, i only wanted wordpress cos of the pages thing... but i didnt know you can do that with blogger easily with categories lol... or just tags. I changed the CNAME on my domain account to yesterday, hopefully ive done everything right. My blog has a blogspot domain in it atm, but not for long.

Cool, glad you're getting it sorted out.
Instead of taking the easy way out, learn the basics. If you can't install wordpress and modify the code, you need to take a little time to learn.
• find host with fantastico (to install wordpress with a few clicks)
• learn basic wordpress administration
• find widget ready wordpress themes
• do your basic tweaks using the widgets
had use blogger..but felt in love with's come with lot of goddies(plugin)..never look back..huhu
? find host with fantastico (to install wordpress with a few clicks)
? learn basic wordpress administration
? find widget ready wordpress themes
? do your basic tweaks using the widgets

Well said. Here is a link I found to get you started.
I am telling you that I know from my experience. I hung on to blogger, not wanting to take the step for wordpress. Blogger has it's place, but you won't be sorry fro learning WP.
its ok fun4uoc im very familiar with blogger so im going to use blogger, i only wanted wordpress cos of the pages thing... but i didnt know you can do that with blogger easily with categories lol... or just tags. I changed the CNAME on my domain account to yesterday, hopefully ive done everything right. My blog has a blogspot domain in it atm, but not for long.
look at this post from tmwwtw he will convert wp themes into blogger and charges $10 . Well worth you contacting him. Wish you all the best for your project.
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