OMG Max Bounty Just Got A Face Lift!


Registered Member
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Just refreshed a Max Bounty page and it has just completely changed it was normal this morning now in the last few hours they have put up a new design, it looks like a professional company now instead of something some kid made in his basement.

check it out :)
Way better looking, I couldn't believe they were a large network when I first signed up on the old site.
lol yesterday i just said "what a poor website" .
Anyway lol, the logo is still pixelated :(
It looks a helluva lot better now. Their old website looked like one of those shitty content websites for the 90s.
Now look what you did:

Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

Application server is busy. Either there are too many concurrent requests or the server still is starting up.

A bit more work on the back end as well I think.
Yeah, I love it, it's like 1000 times better than old one. Good job Maxbounty!
its terrible, looks fuckin cheap imho.. lol at the navigation bar :spit:
haha this was the first network I signed into this morning and i did a doubletake. Their old site was so cut...this is MUCH more professional looking.

looks more better than before... seems very professional now...
Yep, looks good. They have pics of the AM's lol :)

On FluxAds they have pics of the AM's as young kids, that's pretty funny.

MaxBounty have always been good to me, and my AM's are always helpful
Yep, looking good! Bit scary having my smiling AM watching me though - though Neverblue has that feature too.

Well done Steve and the crew!
I do agree that it looks a LOT better - heck, now I even have a pic of my AM...I mean...that was REALLY what I was dreaming of having :P
Wow, I'm definitely digging the new design. The old one looked like it was made in 1999 and never updated ever again. Props to MaxBounty on this...they're coming up.
i actually lol at the navigation bar too, next year they be doing that new thing called "flash".
I was just about to post this ..... Its about time they updated that ugly ass site! Much better looking, now they don't look like a bullshit mom and pop cpa network.
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Seems i can't login through firefox; anyone else have this problem?