old salt.

I thought it strange that he never seems to be here anymore.

Hasn't been seen online here for about a month.
Might be on vacation or have some offline business to take care of. Hope he return soon and delight us all :)
Essay Writing Services USA, huh?

Technically, salt never gets old.

But people will gladly pay lots for "old pink salt"....from the "Himalayans"....

So, anyone here selling pink salt from the mount everst already?
Technically, salt never gets old.

But people will gladly pay lots for "old pink salt"....from the "Himalayans"....

So, anyone here selling pink salt from the mount everst already?

Got one of those pink Himalayan sea salt grinders from Costco a few weeks back. That stuff on a steak while it's coming to room temperature before cooking... top notch.
He could just be really busy on a project. For me, BHW is becoming more of a luxury...as business grows, free time usually shrinks.