[O-M-G] Take A look at this!


Junior Member
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
when i was using my bookmark of BHW, i got a bad gateway error... this occurs occasionally... For this i use to google it up and get back here..

Today i did a google search and found another domain like (the search was on the first page third link) blackhatworld.org Ok i went in and saw, this guy has posted like in 2008... all posts were negative side of this forums!!!

U think he must be a one who must have got banned from here?:confused:
There are a lot of sites hating on BHW, and that one is one of the more known ones. My favorite one had a quote along the lines of "Is your wildest dreams pretending to be a girl online to make minimum wage? Then BHW is the place for you!". I laughed out loud when I first read that.
Any time someone can't properly spell out their grammar and only half their sentences make sense, that tells me they are the "retarded" one or they are coming from an emotional place. Not a logical one. I don't have to be a fan of BHW to see this guy is a loser.

Nuff said.
its old, we saw it along time ago. the guy had hate for this forum. its all sour grapes. But it was primarily resolved i'm assuming because that was the last time that the guy posted... :D