Now a days more facebook accounts went for security checkup.

Any possible way solve this issue

when Facebook ask about verivied ID, i made fake passport on photoshop lol
after they activate all of my account again,i go to setting and linked all of my FB account to my trusted account.
it's work for me.
when Facebook ask about verivied ID, i made fake passport on photoshop lol
after they activate all of my account again,i go to setting and linked all of my FB account to my trusted account.
it's work for me.
its possible
Best way is to avoid by creating real looking accounts and not spamming unnaturally a lot. If you already have this issue then send in ID-s to get them open.
id means identitly card which can be created by fake photoshop
Just treat your account like your real one.
Don't spam a lot.
Use it naturally
I have more good solution for you
add my skyper: vtm301it or Facebook me tuananh01794
Tks you!
Really is at this time FB disabled very very much account, anyone with a good idea or solution please shoot me a massage

Work on your accounts and make them as real as possible, AGE them and make sure your IP/Browser etc settings are good enough. Think about it, people massively lose farmed accounts. Dont see much of real persons losing theyre accounts. That means FB can tell your accounts are shitty. Work on them, improve them.
that took too much time. spam makes money daily while working on fbook account does not make anything expect sooner or later it will be blocked or disabled whatever reasons is
Because people reported that link/affiliate deal whatever.

I see so much overposting on fb.