Nootropics that can help improve mental focus, concentration and productivity?


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
May 11, 2023
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I am new to this space, just wondering what everyone takes that has worked well for them
99% of the Nootropics out there are B.S. Organic solutions like 8 hours sleep, staying hydrated, getting exercise, eating clean/detoxing, meditation, etc. are all things that 100% work and are free - but majority of people are too lazy to do, and just want a quick fix. I sometimes fall into this bucket as well.

If you're too lazy, just get a prescription for adderall and call it a day.
If you're too lazy, just get a prescription for adderall and call it a day.
That only helps you focus if you have ADHD.

If he doesn't have diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD, it won't help him "feel normal and focus".

But I agree with you on nootropics. @Chromatic_14, take it from someone who has tried virtually every (legal) supplement under the sun to manage mental health issues, if you feel like you're struggling with focusing or productivity, go see a good psychiatrist and see if you actually need medication. A good one won't just shove you on random pills, they'll figure out what's wrong and tell you what treatment you need, even if it's not with them.
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alpha brain and mushroom coffee seem to help but again its nothing crazy just a little more focused like drinking a few espressos
You can choose between natural and synthetic nootropics. The former don't work, the latter aren't worth the side effects.
Reishi (garnodema) infused coffee has been of tremendous help for me. Make sure the coffee company you are getting from is using original extract.
That only helps you focus if you have ADHD.

If he doesn't have diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD, it won't help him "feel normal and focus".

If you have ADHD it will calm you down and make you focus. If you don't, it will give you a huge surge of energy, but will still make you focus.

I do dibble and dabble from time to time, but only for a short periods to power through 12 hour/day tasks that would normally burn me out. It's very easy to develop a dependence to it since it feel like a miracle drug. The side effects can be rough, but it 100% works as intended. Not worth doing it long-term if you're undiagnosed though.
Hericium Erinaceus mushroom for concentration.


Lions Mane also helps me with focus and concentration, but decreases my libido, which I don't like.
If you have ADHD it will calm you down and make you focus. If you don't, it will give you a huge surge of energy, but will still make you focus.

I do dibble and dabble from time to time, but only for a short periods to power through 12 hour/day tasks that would normally burn me out. It's very easy to develop a dependence to it since it feel like a miracle drug. The side effects can be rough, but it 100% works as intended. Not worth doing it long-term if you're undiagnosed though.
Depends on the kind of ADHD. They used to classify ADD and ADHD separately but for whatever reason now they put them together under ADHD, probably because more people have the hyperactivity issue along with the attention deficit issue but still, it's stupid to treat them the same way.
If you're not hyperactive then Adderall is probably a better choice as you get the stimulation of the brain as well as the central nervous system, which gives you the motivation on top of the focus. If you are already hyperactive then stimulating the CNS can make things worse, pushing you past your jitter threshold where at best you get focused on the wrong things and at worst you can't focus on anything. Ritalin is better in that case.

Also have to factor in the cardiovascular side-effects of taking any of the amphetamine drugs (Adderall, Vyvanse, Dextroamphetamine, etc.). The companies that make this stuff will downplay it and they've funded a lot of studies on it, ensuring the ones that don't fit their marketing agenda never get published, so you end up with only published papers suggesting the cardio effects are minimal but unless you're young, in good physical shape, and aren't taking any other stimulants like caffeine, you're looking at an unhealthy rise in BP and resting heart rate.

If your inability to focus is mostly due to hyperactivity then you're better off trying CNS depressants first. Something like a low dose of valium or if you want to go with supplements, you've got Ashwagandha, lemon balm, t-tyrosine and others. Although you have to get the dosing right or you could end up just being overly relaxed and sleepy/lazy. You also have to cycle off them because you will build up a resistance. Same goes with the amphetamines and ritalin.
I haven't got any experience with nootropics, but since I implemented olive oil into my routine I do feel more clear headed and more energetic.

I eat it within my food at every meal, salads, drizzle on soup etc.

If I ever have meals that doesnt have olive oil, I just do a tablespoon after each meal.
But also after snacks, after eating an apple or banana for example

PS: I also jerk off less now, thats improvemed my energy too
The former don't work, the latter aren't worth the side effects.

This isn’t particularly true bro. The whole reason im asking this is because my marijuana vendor has disappeared and im out of supply. Not picking up phone and the industrial unit where I went to pick is locked. I used to microdose and it’s the only thing that worked for me. I never looked in to anything else until now cause it worked so well.
I do agree that the synthetic stuff os probably porbably comparatively more dangerous though.
I tried this once a long time ago. It works, but the dosage has to be right, otherwise you're in pretty bad shape. It is then as if one had drunk 10 cups of coffee without being a coffee drinker.
I tried this once a long time ago. It works, but the dosage has to be right, otherwise you're in pretty bad shape. It is then as if one had drunk 10 cups of coffee without being a coffee drinker.

You could break them down into smaller doses, but I heard the ingredients aren't exactly balanced. So if you break it in half, one side might be stronger than the other. It worked fine for me though - a whole one is too much and I break mine into quarters.

Getting sleep on those things is next to impossible for the next few days so I personally wouldn't recommend it.
You could break them down into smaller doses, but I heard the ingredients aren't exactly balanced. So if you break it in half, one side might be stronger than the other. It worked fine for me though
I did the same when I tried it. But after about an hour I felt no effect and took the other half and I was uncomfortable. It was a one-time test because I had to do a lot of monotonous tasks.
Getting sleep on those things is next to impossible for the next few days so I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Agreed. It is a nightmare.

I'm doing this instead, except for the meditation part. I think that is a waste of time:
8 hours sleep, staying hydrated, getting exercise, eating clean/detoxing, meditation
I'm doing this instead, except for the meditation part. I think that is a waste of time:

I tried it a few times after a few different friends recommended it to me, and I thought the same until someone recommended guided meditation apps. It's still hard to let everything go and concentrate on "nothing", but once you have 1 good session, you'll notice the benefit.