Non US residents trying to sell in the US, HOW ?! SSN issues, Phone number issues. Please help ?


May 16, 2018
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I come from Macedonia, shitty country, small market, and I want to make it big, like some of you. wink wink.
I got a decent page, in the weed accessories market, I try to set up bank account, I cant due to SSN / EIN requirement. OK I open an LLC in delaware and get a fkin bank account, every payment processor ( well atleast the most famous one, if you know any please tell me where can I apply ) Denies me without an SSN. WHat are my options here ? i have an LLC, EIN, Bank account, but cant get a payment processor ?

I try to apply with weird processors, they ask for a US phone number. I mean cmon. Anyway I can find one btw ? Thanks,

help plz
I come from Macedonia, shitty country, small market, and I want to make it big, like some of you. wink wink.
I got a decent page, in the weed accessories market, I try to set up bank account, I cant due to SSN / EIN requirement. OK I open an LLC in delaware and get a fkin bank account, every payment processor ( well atleast the most famous one, if you know any please tell me where can I apply ) Denies me without an SSN. WHat are my options here ? i have an LLC, EIN, Bank account, but cant get a payment processor ?

I try to apply with weird processors, they ask for a US phone number. I mean cmon. Anyway I can find one btw ? Thanks,

help plz
You really have two options
1. Buy a stealth account
2. Make an account with your real information (Macedonia) and use it to collect payments from Americans

Phone number is easy. You can pay a few bucks and get one.
You will need an ITIN. You can get it, you will most likely need it to pay taxes in the US. They will accept that, it's like an SSN.
Bank account get Wise or Payoneer this way you get a US account but it's all setup in your name in your country.

For payment processor.. going to be hard with weed accessories even if you were American. Going to be easier to get a stealth Stripe account and hope they don't shut you down for what you're trying to sell.
I come from Macedonia, shitty country, small market, and I want to make it big, like some of you. wink wink.
I got a decent page, in the weed accessories market, I try to set up bank account, I cant due to SSN / EIN requirement. OK I open an LLC in delaware and get a fkin bank account, every payment processor ( well atleast the most famous one, if you know any please tell me where can I apply ) Denies me without an SSN. WHat are my options here ? i have an LLC, EIN, Bank account, but cant get a payment processor ?

I try to apply with weird processors, they ask for a US phone number. I mean cmon. Anyway I can find one btw ? Thanks,

help plz
phone numbers are the easiest
regarding payment processor
there are just too many that will accept you and you have too many ways to get this stuff done....
phone numbers are the easiest
regarding payment processor
there are just too many that will accept you and you have too many ways to get this stuff done....
Thank you for answering.
Can you please tell me a phone number provider which will give me a working phone number app or something where I can answer calls and have my cellphone number ?
Can you please tell me a payment processor who will not require an SSN from me and offer me services for a weed accessories ecommerce business ?
Bank account get Wise or Payoneer this way you get a US account but it's all setup in your name in your country.

For payment processor.. going to be hard with weed accessories even if you were American. Going to be easier to get a stealth Stripe account and hope they don't shut you down for what you're trying to sell.
I have a bank account with my LLC. What I really need is a payment processor to work with it without requiring an SSN.
You will need an ITIN. You can get it, you will most likely need it to pay taxes in the US. They will accept that, it's like an SSN.
Thank you for teaching me a new abbreviation. I will look it up. Doesnt my LLC pay taxes though ? I plan to take the money from the payment processor to the bank account I have for my LLC with Piermont bank anyway.
You really have two options
1. Buy a stealth account
2. Make an account with your real information (Macedonia) and use it to collect payments from Americans

Phone number is easy. You can pay a few bucks and get one.
Thank you for answering.

1. Where ?
2. how ? x)
Do you know a phone number provider?
I come from Macedonia, shitty country, small market, and I want to make it big, like some of you. wink wink.
I got a decent page, in the weed accessories market, I try to set up bank account, I cant due to SSN / EIN requirement. OK I open an LLC in delaware and get a fkin bank account, every payment processor ( well atleast the most famous one, if you know any please tell me where can I apply ) Denies me without an SSN. WHat are my options here ? i have an LLC, EIN, Bank account, but cant get a payment processor ?

I try to apply with weird processors, they ask for a US phone number. I mean cmon. Anyway I can find one btw ? Thanks,

help plz
try vyke app for phone or rent a real usa phone number
check on flutterwave usa, because of your niche, or use crypto payment and save yourself the stress
do not use stealth
Thank you for answering.

1. Where ?
2. how ? x)
Do you know a phone number provider?
1. I cannot recommend anyone, but I'm sure you can find someone on this forum. Make a post in Want to Buy.
2. Just create an account with a payment processor using your info, and if necessary verify it with documents/whatever national ID number you guys use.

There are a bunch of places you can get phone numbers. Just do a google search. Some sites might even allow VoIP numbers like Google Voice.
Thank you for teaching me a new abbreviation. I will look it up. Doesnt my LLC pay taxes though ? I plan to take the money from the payment processor to the bank account I have for my LLC with Piermont bank anyway.
It depends on your tax structure, and what kind of company are you. You need to check with your accountant. ITIN is Individual Tax Identification Number, it's basically an SSN for those who are not eligible.
Vous avez vraiment deux options
1. Achetez un compte furtif
2. Créez un compte avec vos informations réelles (Macédoine) et utilisez-les pour collecter les paiements des Américains

Le numéro de téléphone est facile. Vous pouvez payer quelques dollars et en obtenir un.
1. Je ne peux recommander personne, mais je suis sûr que vous pouvez trouver quelqu'un sur ce forum. Publiez un message dans Want to Buy.
2. Créez simplement un compte auprès d'un processeur de paiement en utilisant vos informations et, si nécessaire, vérifiez-les avec des documents/quel que soit le numéro d'identification national que vous utilisez.

Il y a un tas d'endroits où vous pouvez obtenir des numéros de téléphone. Faites juste une recherche sur google. Certains sites peuvent même autoriser les numéros VoIP comme Google Voice.
en voici deux que je trouve bien, eSIM et Dingtone
Je viens de Macédoine, pays de merde, petit marché, et je veux le faire grand, comme certains d'entre vous. clin d'oeil clin d'oeil.
J'ai une page décente, sur le marché des accessoires pour mauvaises herbes, j'essaie de créer un compte bancaire, je ne peux pas en raison de l'exigence SSN / EIN. OK, j'ouvre une LLC dans le Delaware et j'obtiens un compte bancaire fkin, chaque processeur de paiement (enfin au moins le plus célèbre, si vous en connaissez, dites-moi où puis-je postuler) Me refuse sans SSN. Quelles sont mes options ici ? J'ai une LLC, un EIN, un compte bancaire, mais je n'arrive pas à obtenir un processeur de paiement ?

J'essaie de postuler avec des processeurs bizarres, ils demandent un numéro de téléphone américain. Je veux dire cmon. Quoi qu'il en soit, je peux en trouver un btw? Merci,

aidez moi svp
I come from Macedonia, shitty country, small market, and I want to make it big, like some of you. wink wink.
I got a decent page, in the weed accessories market, I try to set up bank account, I cant due to SSN / EIN requirement. OK I open an LLC in delaware and get a fkin bank account, every payment processor ( well atleast the most famous one, if you know any please tell me where can I apply ) Denies me without an SSN. WHat are my options here ? i have an LLC, EIN, Bank account, but cant get a payment processor ?

I try to apply with weird processors, they ask for a US phone number. I mean cmon. Anyway I can find one btw ? Thanks,

help plz
You can apply for ITIN. It costs money but its the only way. You can do a research. There are many web-sites which offer application for ITIN number.
You can apply for ITIN. It costs money but its the only way. You can do a research. There are many web-sites which offer application for ITIN number.
But it takes alot of time
You can apply for ITIN. It costs money but it’s the only way. You can do a research. There are many web-sites which offer application for ITIN number.
where you able to use itin to open an llc? How long and how much did it take to get the itin if you don’t mind me asking?
Bank account get Wise or Payoneer this way you get a US account but it's all setup in your name in your country.

For payment processor.. going to be hard with weed accessories even if you were American. Going to be easier to get a stealth Stripe account and hope they don't shut you down for what you're trying to sell.
Neither Wise nor Payoneer allow for Americans to pay using that service.