Non-copyrighted youtube videos.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Quick question. What do PPD,PPI,CPA sites think about non-copyrighted marketing? I know youtube is not allowing it (and videos will sooner or later be deleted) and i know its not legal, but do the PPD,PPI sites allow it? I mean will my acc be banned bcs of getting trafic like that?
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am guessing he wanted to say to search for the answer myself. But I am pretty good in research and i have found a few answers but not so precise and legit so am looking for other people toughts or someone experianced to help me.
He was trying to help you understand that creative commons videos CAN be put on youtube, and they have no negative consequence to your videos stability, or account security (unless you are a total jerk about how you use youtube). The affiliate networks on the other hand may all have different rules, and they may even have different rules for different campaigns too, so it is typically best to consult your affiliate manager to see what will work best.

An alternative approach is to go full blackhat on that chit, and you can find information about that here at BHW as well. A little research won't kill you, especially whereas you are "pretty good" at it. If you had read the content on the link that was provided you could have easily extrapolated why that link was posted. Go ahead, and do some research.
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The entire network each site which follows the rules of API will do the same. Google will ban your adsense account if you keep over and over uploading copyrighted songs on youtube
No you will not get ban, you know its BH and network knows its BH but most of the adv dont know shit.