NO to Low Risk Media Buying Journey


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2010
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I'm sure that you are already balking at the "No Risk" part of the title, however let me explain.

I have blogs in different genre's that are getting traffic and I'm beginning to earn some decent money again. According to my AM's of the CPA networks, media buying is where the big money is at.

Run banner ads on four blogs that are getting traffic: Sports Niche, General News Niche, Gossip Niche, and Cooking Niche.

I will install Quantcast on these blogs and then try and deliver a relevant banner ad to the demographi. Once I find an ad that converts I can then go to sitescout and buy banner placement on a website that gets a similar demographic if traffic. Theoretically this is low risk.

The reason I'm creating this thread is because I have been trying this for a week, and its tough to get a conversion. Tons of emails but I can't get a person to put in an email address for nothing. It's good for people to see what the numbers look like. I will also be revealing the ad, the demographic but not the banner or the websites.

The challenge is, the traffic is not targeted. It's not a weight loss blog and a weight loss CPA offer. The News Niche and Gossip sites are like USA Today and TMZ. It's hard to get targeted traffic thus difficult to get a conversion. On the cooking blog, I have been trying Clickbanks Recipe secrets and have not made any conversions. I will share these stats.

I hope to be able to keep this up to date, but these journey threads take a lot of work, but good ones are very useful and make BHW great so I will try and contribute.

Lastly, After 100 Clicks on the Banner running I will reveal the stats. I will be looking for tips and tricks from older members that I will put into action. At this point money is not an option so getting landing pages done, etc should be no problem. I will be trying, clickbank, CPA, pepper jam, Commision Junction, or any other affiliate product with a banner.

I will start getting some stats up later this week.

Any tips, hints, or "try outs" will be greatly appreciated.

I am also planning to get into media buying. Will follow you.
Good luck in your journey. It seems interesting!

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im interested in media buying i will learn lot with your journey. Good luck!!

One thing that you didn't mention is building email lists. Sometimes that is a better course of action than direct linking to offers or even using landing pages with offers. If you have trouble with conversions try to get them on a list and convert them later.
I've gotten pretty good at producing a conversion, especially for email lists. Shoot me over some of your numbers I'll take a look at what you have going on.
I got some numbers to share. Here are the quantcast demographics from the big news site:

quantcast stats.jpg

This sucks because it's a super hard demographic to serve. Minorities, under 18 years of age, and 18-24. I tried a bunch of different offers before I decided that I would hold an offer until I get 100 clicks. I'm running a 728X90 banner and I get impatient when I go days without a conversion. I feel like I'm wasting my time and traffic. I'm almost at the 100 click mark so I figured I would post my stats before I changed offers.

Here are my stats after 41,000 Page Views and 5 days.


Yep, only $1.40. I've almost reached the 100 clicks mark and I will be changing the offer and banner. Again, the demographic is tuff, the traffic is "news" so it's not targeted making getting a profitable CPA offer difficult. I think I will try a click bank product next.

The only good thing to say about this data is at least the traffic was free organic.

To be honest, you need an angle for the email submit. If you are just going to place it out there hoping people will click, it won't be good. Those days are over people get excited when they see a freebie banner and submit their email address.

Now, think of an angle where you can push your audience's buttons and get them click that.
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Thanks Oblivion19, I'm finding out that you are correct. I'm almost at my 100 click mark. I think I will change to something that is actually received. Like Swag bucks sign up, or a do survey for cash offer.

I read through almost your entire journey. I'm up to Jan. 09. Very well done, it shows that this is not easy. If people think they are slapping up a banner with $20 and relaxing, they got it all wrong. I will be switich offers soon and posting demographics and banner stats from my Cooking site shortly.

I'm going to stop you right here! Media buying + Email Submits = FAILURE. With Media Buying you have to convert something that gets you at least $20. Let's say you pay $1/CPM, a good banner gets a .3% clickthrough rate so you get 3 visitors for $1, you will need a 50%!!!! conversion rate in order to get this profitable, and that is impossible.