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No - Scam : Celebrating the average BHW seller!


Elite Member
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hundreds and maybe thousands of deals , of which I am sure there are high ticket items inclusive, go smooth and flawless via this forum regularly. One scam and everybody goes gaga. Its just like the story of a professor who put a single small ballpoint dot on a sheet of paper , passed it round the class asking "what do you see" and everyone saying they could see a dot on the sheet of paper, when in actual fact what was most prominent was a "white sheet of paper".

Lets celebrate the many successful deals brokered here. If you have had one lately, speak up and lets appreciate and highlight the good transactions happening here.
Have dealt with 5 different sellers in the last month, all went smoothly, very professional and some will likely become longer term partnerships.
I have never had any problems in the marketplace here. Even when ordering 50 cent PBN links they were not as trash as I thought they would be
Have dealt with 5 different sellers in the last month, all went smoothly, very professional and some will likely become longer term partnerships.

I have never had any problems in the marketplace here. Even when ordering 50 cent PBN links they were not as trash as I thought they would be
That's it!

Keep it coming..
been here since 2014 and never had any bad deals. Sadly enough I don’t feel bad for that guy who recently got scammed for $9k.
You're a lucky one. I had a few experiences, but @BassTrackerBoats stepped in and helped.
Glad to hear BHW worked in your favour eventually.
It's like GMB
Only not satisfied clients that leave reviews there
so you will think that the business suck.
Tell me about it...
I actually think this is one of the safest sites for deals/trade.
If people used a little common sense and carried out the minimum amount of due diligence, then there would be far fewer disputes.
One of the best marketplaces if you know what you're buying
BHW helped me take my content business from making mere $2000-3000 per month to over $20,000 per month within one year. And the relationships I've built with some of my clients are priceless! Always grateful to what this forum has given me, my family, my partners, and everyone else we work with.
Never had any issues in the marketplace, still the best place to buy IM services :)
BHW helped me take my content business from making mere $2000-3000 per month to over $20,000 per month within one year. And the relationships I've built with some of my clients are priceless! Always grateful to what this forum has given me, my family, my partners, and everyone else we work with.
if you mind sharing your journey with us?