Thread approved.
Incredible network, the sites genuinely do not look like PBN's. Their history is totally clean, content is super high effort and links almost look natural.
Super impressed with what they delivered here. The sites are beautiful, very professional. This is a super high quality network made up of a huge number of sites.
I genuinely cannot find a bad thing to say. At $30/post this isn't cheap, but you are totally getting what you pay for.
Great service.
What's going to be total OBL per site?
Samples please and your skype ID if possible
Samples / Niches please.
Down for a chat?
samples please
How do I order if I don't use Skype?
+1 for providing the ahrefs list.. seems like someone got it.
however, where did you get those DR49 ones.. they sure must cost like 3-digits at least!
can I see ahrefs list and send some samples of the fashion/shopping list very interested