Niche Sniper Sites


Power Member
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
I see this constantly with these niche sniper type sites and I only pay attention to the ones actually ranking well so I am assuming there is some reason for this.

They will target a product say its called "rancor".

They will have their review, then they will have additional posts like:

"Why you should trust rancor"
"Is rancor safe"
"More indepth look at rancor ingredients"
"benefits of rancor"

I was under the impression shoving your keyword in every post wasn't really beneficial and likely to come off as spammy. However, I noticed this trend amongst high ranking sites like this pretty commonly. I can understand the logic of the owner, thinking hes more likely to rank atleast one the posts for his keyword; or how it defines his site as a niche surrounding "rancor".

But is there actually any cumulative effects or reason for adding your keyword in every post like this?
Probably a burn and churn site, how does the backlink profile looks like
Probably a burn and churn site, how does the backlink profile looks like

This site doesn't have any.

However, most sites that are ranking do, and there not churn and burn at all. Everything is reasonably well done, they just create all their articles with the product name in the title.
I also thought that putting your keyword in every post will make your website look spammy. But after all google looks for relevant websites and adding keywords makes your website look more relevant.
if you keep the keyword density low its doable