Niche content sites...fact and fiction??


Registered Member
Oct 2, 2008
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Hi guys,

so in my newbieness I have noticed that one of the more popular hyped up strategies for making money online is to just build a niche content sites on a particular subject.

Basically you do keyword research and find a gap in the market and then build a content site with it. Throw some adsense on and thats it.

According to the hype if you manage to get decent rankings youll get a steady stream of visitors that will click through on the ads, and make you a passive income stream.

Is there anything the hype isnt telling me here? Im sure some people on here have niche content sites, do they really make ongoing streams of income? Or do you find that you have to constantly update the site in order to keep the google bot happy?
It takes time, time, and more time. I've got a few niche content sites, my best (all WH) gets around 2K visitors a week, and a couple of affiliate sales a day. Quality backlinks, unique content, keyword research, occasional new content, seo.
Fact....but as fun4uoc says, it isn't that easy. No matter what method you get from BHW or any other site, you need traffic to get sales. If you can generate traffic, you will make money.
Yeah, time work and SEO, I made 2 niche sites, made me a total of $60 over half a year, but I am not ranking at all yet, it takes time and hard work, but after a year or so you start making the cash...