Got new website and was indexed 2 days ago via but today while checking it's not there. Anyone experienced this? its pretty new website few contents and no backlinking... i wondered if its already penalized. lol
This might be that after it has been index the Google update their algorithm and when it crawls again they found some issues on your site and was penalized. It could be on the content - check for the duplicate content, overstuffed keywords; pages that should not be index.
To my experience even if doesn't show up it doesn't mean the site is not indexed.
Try indexchecking . com for a bulk check, here usually the sites show positive index.
And: don't panic. New sites may even take a couple of weeks to get indexed.
Its just doing the dance buddy. Dont do anything to blackhat until it is sitting pretty, but other than that give it a few days and it should calm down.
Some of the reasons that may cause a new site deindex in Google. They are:
The content was written by the Machine.
Your Content has keywords that are not related to it.
If the main keyword that you place in the content which is so small, then Google may not find your keyword.
Adding more titles for a single content and also add more keyword in the title for a single article may affect indexing.
The content must be unique and has no effect with scrapped content.
Avoid these factors can help to rank easily in Google.
Did anything technical change? I had 26 page site fully indexed shortly after my launch and then broke everything when I was moving to https shortly. My indexation went down to like 2 pages.
Once everything was ironed out my site is fully indexed. I've seen URLs submitted in my sitemap in GSC go from 25 to 26 a couple times. Using the manual fetch tool in GSC might help submission/indexation. Or G might not like your site if it is over optimized.
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