New Way to Get Twitter Followers


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
I have found a new and 100% completely innovative solution for getting both targeted and untargeted twitter followers for a campaign I am running.

This method is extremely cheap and I am confident I can easily compete with the current twitter follower vendors on here. The process would GUARANTEE real and active twitter followers to follow you.

Before I apply to sell it via this forum, I was curious how many people would be interested in a service like this.

Are twitter followers still in high demand on this forum?

Do you already have somebody supplying you with twitter followers?

Let me know your thoughts.

Thank you for your help and input in advance. It will help me in making my decision on whether or not to offer this new technique to this forum.

with the way people get traffic from twitter followers, yes this method would be a BIG help
Agreed. If you have a way to guarantee that these are real people and not bots then please let me know.
Yes, I can do that. In fact, I can even target them. I just am worried about the "x" factors of going into IM. I never came to this forum to sell products or services, but extra cash can always help future campaigns I run that need $ pushed into them.

When I say "x" factor I mean probability of someone's account getting suspended, which as of right now is zero, but I have been testing this on safe, veteran accounts--And I don't do any CPA marketing or anything of that nature.
Targeted real humans is where it's at. If you can deliver that, then I would have interest. Otherwise, not really.
Are people willing to pay a premium for targeted or would you rather have untargeted? Do people still need untargeted? What are the targets you guys would be needing?
There would be a lot of interest. If it's quality, sell it for a lot of $. Sell it to people with high budgets. There are so many low level budget services here, if it works people will pay for it. I wouldn't share it otherwise you'll have ever 12 year old abusing it and Twitter will catch on very quickly, then everyone loses.
i think i`d be interested in both, targeted and untargeted users, it rly depends on the price...
but nevertheless i'm stoked to see this new technique, so if u still need someone to test...
Well we are waiting to see what you have...if you believe that it's quality software, then show it off.
why waste my fucking time with a stupid thread like this? come on!
yeah title mislead me into thinking i was ganna learn a new technique >.>
I'm always interested in new ways to build TARGETED Twitter Followers w/o the Follow/UnFollow game...PM when you have an offer in the Services for Sale section...
Sorry everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter.

Are people willing to pay a premium for targeted or would you rather have untargeted? Do people still need untargeted? What are the targets you guys would be needing?
Everyone wants targeted traffic. The type of target would depend on what the account will be used for. If you can target by followers of an account or more power to you.
Sorry about the misleading title. I did not mean to do that to you. I was just trying to get feedback on the potential service.

I am currently still running tests. I will keep you guys posted. Thank you for your feedback!
Definitely interested if they are TARGETED followers related to my niche. I need sales, not just followers.
I'd be interested also but, I'd have to see some stats to see how well it works before I become too interested.
Interested in targeted followers. But these days there are a lot of fake twitter accounts, the so-called targeted list may include a huge number of them.