New social network


Regular Member
Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score
Im building a new social network for business owners/ and marketers. You will get points for just using the network and you can then use thoughs points to advertise on the site. SInce the site is brand new you wll get 500 points just for siqning up.

the link is

Mods if im not allowed to post my link here please take it down I asked harro but got no reply. Thanks.
that looks pretty nice. but whats your point of difference with others like facebook vois directmatches myspace bebo.... etc?

And what do the points get you?
i went to the site and pressed the "How do you earn points? click here to find out" button and it took me to a log in page. i can honestly say i was immediately annoyed. a sincere question, do you really think a lot of people are going to go to the trouble of signing up just to get basic info on how a social network works?

Im building a new social network for business owners/ and marketers. You will get points for just using the network and you can then use thoughs points to advertise on the site. SInce the site is brand new you wll get 500 points just for siqning up.

the link is

Mods if im not allowed to post my link here please take it down I asked harro but got no reply. Thanks.
@soctal: Thanks for the Tip ill change that. I honestly didn't even know that was blocked

@wakkaoaka: You will get points for basicly just using the social network. Your able to then spend the points on advertisement on the website. On all pages so each point you get is 1 impression. Im still working out how all the points are gonna work.

If your interested in helping out with the project siqn up and send me a message.

Also ill give 3k free points to all BHW members. Even if you log in once and say what a shit site. ! =)
Ok, i will sign up there and stuff, but i cant be too active as im really busy. And tired as from partying lol. How are you promoting it?
Right now its just mostly friends as im not even sure the site is "ready" yet still much more im wanting to add. But the good news is without really any advertisement its getting 300-400 UV's a day and that only from like a few myspace posts. Im going to social book market it, write articles all that kinda stuff then im going to fire up my myspace profiles and let everyone in the Business group know about it. *One of the ways you get points is gettin others to join so im hopeing at one point it just kinda grows on its own.

Thanks wakka for your interest
Nope it should be up try it again. I was modding some of the pages a little bit so that might had messed it up a little because I upload during the early morning.
The site looks pretty clean...if you don't mind sharing what social networking script are you running?
Im using Social Engine doing a lot of modding to it =)