With the amount of pvas sold these days I wonder if there if any seller actually would actually take his phone and 5 minutes of his time to re-verify accounts individually for each client.
Most of the pvas i bought the past 4-5 days had this issue. Once I logged in it asked me to verify the phone number, some accounts I bought from sellers that are also members of this forum even had 2 verification numbers on account..

Maybe one number already got used up too many times?? Let's try the next one ..this is quantity over quality.. well I am not a big client I do not buy 100 200 accounts a day but pva providers should also start thinking about quality. Making hundred accounts with 1$ is like trying build a ferrari but use crap materials because anyway it might look the same ..
I am not sure what bining means, maybe someone can explain.. but I am sure most providers use the same sim card for more than one account reason for which accounts get busted by fb. Past 5 days have been a pain, a lot of accounts just got disabled, sellers of pvas also lose a lot but our business is also going down the drain.
I am looking for a reliable pva seller, if you got pvas with dummy apps created with fresh proxies etc send me a pm. I mean c'mon price for a sim card in countries most providers are from is around 1$ and one private proxy can go as cheap as 1.20$. Most are selling pvas with 20 apps for 5$, so 3$ profit. Why could this not be done the right way.. 1 account/1 sim card/1 ip
Hit me up if you can provide quality pvas with apps
Thank you