New Facebook issue may mean selling PVA's is no more


Elite Member
Feb 16, 2011
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Ok so today I was using some pvas I bought from a foreign seller, I was adding people to an event and all of a sudden Facebook logged me out and asked me to verify the mobile simcard that was used to verify my account in the first place.

Chances are people use the simcard then bin them. Anyone else came up with this??

Seems Facebook are cracking down, it didnt even let me identify friends photos or use my secret question.
All the time, and it's IP-based.
When you run into that, make sure you re-verify your phone number and you're good to go.

P.S.: Don't bin Sim cards. With the help of duct tape, you can make a very cool looking robot and sell it on Ebay.
if I buy a pva and it is a chinese simcard that verified it. It wont let me change my phone number. so if u buy a pva and u dont have the original simcard u could well be screwed
Depends on what you're using the PVA for. Some retailers offer double verification to combat spam.

It's a war out there.
Its almost always IP related and also how many accounts were made on the same IP
Selling PVA's is still in need. You just need to re verify your account and you will be good to go. That's why if you will buy PVA you should ask the seller if he provides the re-verification of your accounts if he do then go for it! :)
yep dude don't worry.. reliable sellers must have the sim card .. so that thy should provide the re-verification...
With the amount of pvas sold these days I wonder if there if any seller actually would actually take his phone and 5 minutes of his time to re-verify accounts individually for each client.

Most of the pvas i bought the past 4-5 days had this issue. Once I logged in it asked me to verify the phone number, some accounts I bought from sellers that are also members of this forum even had 2 verification numbers on account.. :confused: Maybe one number already got used up too many times?? Let's try the next one ..this is quantity over quality.. well I am not a big client I do not buy 100 200 accounts a day but pva providers should also start thinking about quality. Making hundred accounts with 1$ is like trying build a ferrari but use crap materials because anyway it might look the same ..

I am not sure what bining means, maybe someone can explain.. but I am sure most providers use the same sim card for more than one account reason for which accounts get busted by fb. Past 5 days have been a pain, a lot of accounts just got disabled, sellers of pvas also lose a lot but our business is also going down the drain.

I am looking for a reliable pva seller, if you got pvas with dummy apps created with fresh proxies etc send me a pm. I mean c'mon price for a sim card in countries most providers are from is around 1$ and one private proxy can go as cheap as 1.20$. Most are selling pvas with 20 apps for 5$, so 3$ profit. Why could this not be done the right way.. 1 account/1 sim card/1 ip

Hit me up if you can provide quality pvas with apps

Thank you
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I gave up on Facebook a LONG time ago. And now they're doing this with sim cards? I still have around 15 dummy accounts that have been stagnant.... Wondering if they will jump me for verification when I next log in....
Shit, I just got hit hard by the re-verification issue too, this SUCKS big time!! But then, maybe it also is a chance for those with lots of sim's laying around to do better than those who can't re-verify. Just sad I'm not one of them, all my bought PVA's are cheesecake now...
Hey dube


SKYPE !! sagedasati
thats the problem with buying a bunch of facebook accounts. i'm teetering right now on which to buy and from who
When I make my accounts I keep everysingle Simcard! I use old photo albums to store the cards in and I write every detail down, so any come backs I can go back to the Album, Which is even in Alphabetical order and insert the card again for reverification!