New CB Product. Long-Term earning Potential


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score

We have launched our dream product. Everything has been setup in place.

The sales page is at :

We have assembled some useful promotional material for you at :

We have put in a lot of research and money in this project and would like you to promote this product with us. As, the product's targeted audience are 'affiliates', so, we have a direct market to conquer.

Financially speaking, the product shall earn you recurring commissions each month. The product's price is $59/month and I'm willing to offer you 50% commission for each sale through your referral. Do we really need to do the math here?

Visit the sales and affiliate page for details.

We're running the Product on Clickbank, as it's a trusted base for digital products.

You can fire up your email broadcasts, articles, and/or PPC campaigns now.
We LIVE right now... Hope to see you profit with us.

So, visit :

Grab some resources and get on with the promotion...
50% commission is kinda low especially for clickbank..... bump it up to 70% or so and then i might be interested or at least 100% first month and then after that 50%....

Without the affiliates your product wont suceed or make you any money so you gotta at least pay decently....
I am in the same boat as Lewi....

50% is kinda men in terms

60%-70% is more the normal for a CB product as far as affiliate commissions.

You may want to have someone look over your sales pitch too there are tons of grammatical errors on there. Just a bit of advice.
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I agree. Your sales page is horrible, misspellings and grammatical errors, poor line up of the drop down box, etc.

And I don't know if your theory of belittling the potential customer is quite as effective if you can't even write decent copy for your product.

The product is not an ebook developed in a few hours. Its a complete package that me and my professionals develop each and every month. It takes investment. It takes time.
As we offer quality services, at such a lower price (keeping the current economy in consideration):
a) we won't get refund requests so easily
b) we had to offer 50% commission to affiliates

BTW, 50% equates to about $30/month per sale (as per our current price model) , after the first month.
As the AMOUNT of commission is high enough, I don't think the %age should bother.

@ John and FullEclipse: That was an unexpected blow, but thankyou for your suggestion. I actually had this copy proof-read 2 times by different people before putting it online.
Moreover, I have received great reviews on the sales page and graphics from other forums.

I would really appreciate if you pointed out the mistakes so that I could correct them as soon as possible
I would really appreciate if you pointed out the mistakes so that I could correct them as soon as possible

so, even after youve paid 2 people to proofread, and they were kind enough to offer helpful advice about your spelling mistakes, your going to be so lazy as to ask them to proofread it and point out your flaws for free?


if you want i can rebuild your marketing campaign and redesign your websites as well

so, even after youve paid 2 people to proofread, and they were kind enough to offer helpful advice about your spelling mistakes, your going to be so lazy as to ask them to proofread it and point out your flaws for free?


if you want i can rebuild your marketing campaign and redesign your websites as well


So, do you want me to pay them to offer advise? They said that the sales page has MANY spelling and grammatical errors. I just want them to point out which ones.

I think the website design is good enough. So, I won't need help with that.
What can you offer for Marketing Campaign?
I'll cut to the Chase. Whatever the case, the fact still remains that you're Dumb. So, proudly announce yourself.. "Hello. I'm Affiliate.. Dumb Affiliate", James Bond style.

that's the only one i found on your salespage
Thanks for that. ill correct it and put it up soon.

I have been receiving requests from people to increase the commission percentage. I have discussed this with my partner and we're thinking of doing it.

I would like to take your views. How does a 70% monthly recurring sound like?
Most people here on BHW have huge opt-in lists and great potential of conversion.

If we offer you 70% commission, then we'll be on wafer-thin profit margins, but I think it'll be worth it if we can grab a large number of sales.

So, I don't want to take a risk. I need your confirmation first...
I would recommend changing out the "dumb" references........psychologically speaking, it puts the reader in the mood NOT to read the points of value that you may offer....

In other words, you are identifying some needs that people have and you are offering SOLUTIONS to meet those needs.

You may even want to re-think the concept of "dumb affiliate" want your customers to be "smart" for choosing your solutions......

I understand what you are trying to covey, but the choice of words will put many prospective customers in a non-buying mood.....think of it this way, you are saying the individual is dumb so how can they make the smart decision by using your service?

Change the domain to "smartaffiliate" and lose the references to being "dumb" will see a huge increase in interest and sales, in my opinion.

Anyway, just my input and I wish you well.
Yes. We have created two different versions of the sales page. - This contains the 'dumb references' - This does not contain the dumb references

Actually, you got the point.. Our tagline is like:
The Smart Choice for Dumb Affiliates

We have created a market by promotion for the past few weeks and I cannot change the name right now. I shall surely keep this in mind for the future though
Internet marketing stuff have been kind of saturated. So many products come out every month.
Hey there "freelikehell," ...i just checked out your sales letter. the very top.....u tell the reader that.....your product/membership has been seen on google.

Ummmm.....u are aware that every product, membership, service that has been created in the last 100 years falls under this category right? Thus...saying....seen on google.......carries pretty credibility.....with anyone.

just a quick thought.

By the way.....i did like the look of your graphics......but.....please......go make the membership card appear to resemble the exact same size of a credit card. Your card looks "distorted." Remember...the devil is in the details.

Best!! the very top.....u tell the reader that.....your product/membership has been seen on google.

Ummmm.....u are aware that every product, membership, service that has been created in the last 100 years falls under this category right? Thus...saying....seen on google.......carries pretty credibility.....with anyone.

Welcome to the world of affiliate marketing my friend.... most people who buy these products do not understand that everyone is on google.... so they see this and think wooow on google this must be good. Then the people that do understand just ignore it and it makes no difference in persuading them to buy or not to buy.

with 70% commission i will promote this
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Welcome to the world of affiliate marketing my friend.... most people who buy these products do not understand that everyone is on google.... so they see this and think wooow on google this must be good.

Great point. Most people don't think like we do. :)
any update on the % for affiliates yet or was this a one time get some affiliates and run kinda thing???
More Errors:

1. "practially(sic) foolproof" should be "practically foolproof"
2. you need a space between "articles," and "or"

Plus, there's numerous passages that are clumsily worded.
One example:
The use of the pronouns "his/her", "he/she", etc. looks legalistic and interrupts the flow of the sales page. I know you're trying to be inclusive, but just use "his" or "she" and keep the gender the same within each paragraph or passage.

I don't promote CB products for less than 70%, so it's a non-starter for me anyway.:p
yea, i would like to know when u up the commish on this. I might give it a shot with my affiliate (newbie) traffic source.

Give me a holla if or when u do
why would anyone buy this product when i can get this plus so much more and wealthy affiliate for 30 bucks a month?