Need your opinion about my new website :D


Junior Member
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hey there,

I had finally finished creating my e-commerce website and I would like to know your opinion.I want to know what would you change about it, what would you improve and what you like about it also please take a look at all pages.

Just want to make those last changes before promoting it so I don't waste my time plus the customers too.

website - youtubestore(dot)net

Thank You All
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You need a better theme, immediately!

I suggest some type that has a better landing page, your landing page is not selling. Try cycling through the theme download page and marking the page you like, get something you'd be happy with...
I'm happy about the theme I'm using now :D changing the theme will take me too much time as there might problems occur.
a better theme like some video theme for wordpress make a search you will find some great ones also embed some youtube videos with guy views so as to prove your efficiency to the visitors of your site
Get a Video Gallery theme which is specially made for just video purpose. Checkout for some quality themes.
Yeah, you need a youtube video about making youtube videos...
What I will do is get the landing page fix up and then I will promote it and get some visitors then I will see if I should be looking for new theme for my website.

Thank You all for the information and opinions.
I don't think its fair to use " youtube " word in domain name. As there is chance of termination of site from google.
I seen many websites with the 'Youtube' word in domain name and they are ranking on the first page of google :D
You should have more colors, that grey theme is kinda sad...
I will suggest some point
For change - change theme, social networking logo should be highlighted.
Meta keywords should be 10 for better ranking.
Sitemaps not display should be add for better crawling.
Site not add with Google Analytics should be add first for better-set goal.
Focus on video only because it's name is YouTubestore.
sidebar looks good but you need more widgets like place some calender ads etc..
I think the theme is OK. but I can't support the vertical banner (Google ads) they are simply disgusting. and telling people "Don't click me i am an ad :)"
It's very dangerous to register a domain name with a trade mark in it (and the more dangerous if it's a google TM...) so be careful mate, the fact that others are doing that doesnt mean it is legit. Better cover your a$$, take an offshore host, that kind of stuff to hide yourself from noise.
a better idea like some film idea for wordpress platforms systems make a look for you can find some fantastic ones also consist of some youtube. com. com film segments with guy views so as to validate your efficiency to the visitors of your website