Need web 2.0 marketers


Apr 9, 2008
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There is some simple stuff I need done Creation of wordpress , squidoos , hubpages , and bloggers all linked together for certain keywords .

I.E. targeted visitors squidoo wordpress hubpages and blogger all linked together than all ran through propellar for keyword . Everything linking back to my site . Than everything Social bookmarked using onlywire . Than all the feeds ran through propellar .

the pages must be a soft sell so the reader will want my product . Anchor text is important . Anchor text should be used when the keyword is used . Plus one link to my website .

If this idea is off please let me know . Or if you have a better way to do this same thing also please let me know .

The idea I was trying to do is to actually use web 2.0 to drive quality traffic to my website . Also to help rank for some keywords . I am suer there is a better way but I am not aware of it .
let me know what your offering to do this as i can do it but not for peanuts lol
look at Harro's post here

Yep Not what I am wanting though . Those are backlinks I want something a little bit more .

Web 2.0 marketing .
is highly possible but the articles/writeup would be needed to be made by you.
Hmm an amazon site . Looks neat though I will have to look through ti tomorrow . Is it kinda like get-a free- lancer . I posted the project on there . But I got one bid for 45 and one for 50 . The one for 50 looks the most promising .

This looks cheaper though I will have to check it out when I get up . thanks...

is highly possible but the articles/writeup would be needed to be made by you.

Thanks ummm Lewi you know what I am half way doing anyway .. hehe . Only half of it . I am going to treat web 2.0 sites kind of like Forums . Since my forum traffic I can convert at about 1 outta 50 . Soo If I scale it up and bring in the web 2.0 traffic plus get some added serps benifits welllllll hehe I just increased my bottom line .
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I would recommend using an this :

Maybe this is what you are looking for, hope it helps.

Hey this mechanical turk stuff could be a really good alternative to cheap labor, and on the flip side maybe something could be scripted to earn some cash through this system
You could try SENUKE or Brute Force SEO to create web 2.0 sites, and cross link them, and do social bookmarking on them and pinging-- i looked at both programs, but don't have the time or patience to learn them, i'm looking to outsource this myself , so if someone reading this knows either program and is good at it, let me know.