Need verified Paypal that can accept and send a payment of 4k?


Feb 24, 2015
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Does anyone here s3ll verified paypals? My account was just limited after a client reversed a charge 30 days after buying a digital good. I have to accept a 4k payment this week from another client and send to a family member where my bnking is hooked up. Does anyone have a paypal account that can handle that without getting limited for sal3? If not, does anyone have a better option? I don't want this client to have my bnking info, never met any of my clients in person so do not want to do a wire transfer. Just joined for this reason only. Thanks for answering.
Why dont you set up a stripe account and direct them to a hosted payment page?
money goes in your bank within 7 days and if they do want id send it them?

Will go through straight away.
its pretty straight forward really, i can do it for you for a slice ;)
If you have a client, I'm assuming you have a business in which case you should have a business checking account set up in which case, you should be in a position to allow your client(s) to send you a company check. Tell your client to send you a check, unless you're not planning on providing the service and are not wanting the client to have your name, then I wouldn't see this as an option but if you're legitimate, then this should work.
If you have a client, I'm assuming you have a business in which case you should have a business checking account set up in which case, you should be in a position to allow your client(s) to send you a company check. Tell your client to send you a check, unless you're not planning on providing the service and are not wanting the client to have your name, then I wouldn't see this as an option but if you're legitimate, then this should work.

I get my clients off of CL so I never give out my actual name on there. Always transfer money from fake name paypal to my actual.