need to find a specific movie online for free viewing


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
"midnight express" its called

i really wanna see it tonight but cant find a link anywere :( can anyone help.....
is that the one where the guy get arrested and sent to a turkish prison for drug smuggling? If so, great movie, I'll see if I can find it.
torrent link meh they take agesssss lolz
and yeah thats the one :)
If you are talking about the movie from 1978 its at piratebay
Are you on a slow connection. I can download a movie via torrent in an hour or less.
Lol i just noticed you got it before i did.. I have never even heard of that movie before..
urrrrm 200kb/s max....
but like main problem is my harddrive space.... just uninstalling some programs now to make room for it
ok, it is a pretty good movie though
I didnt look to see if they had it, but you might want to check out


They have some good ones
already tried there first.... and the big G turns out trumps :( gay people....
Not a bad movie, you've gotta be into de 'erb to truely appreciate it though... I guess...
meh was hoping you were going to save me from waiting and give me a link to watch online streaming :( ahhhh well

33% downloaded at 80kb/s with 19seeds

wish it was faster (2 hours left)