Need testers that have websites ranked in page 2 or 3 of Google


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Reaction score

We builded another tool and we're looking for some guys that have websites ranked in page 2 or 3 of Google for specific keywords and who want to try it if it will increase their ranking for these keywords.

It should work but i can not promise anything, so, it should be nice that these website are not your only projects, in the case of something bad happen.

It's black hat seo, so, it's always risky but for what i know of google algoritm, it should work.

Personnaly, i dont have such website alive, so, i'm not the best guy to test it.

We builded that tool for other purposes also but i want to see the results on ranking.

If there's some ready testers, send me a pm.

Note that you must be able to have proxy list from the area where your custommers are coming from.

It can also be international but for better results, i suggest to dont have english proxies for a french website, german proxies for italian websites and so on, if you understand what i mean!

(We can provide these proxies if you need it)

Waiting your pm's.
I've got a few sites that meet your requirements. PMing you the details.
I have a site that's on page 10, i want to target two really competitive phrases with it which are in the domain. I'm in no hurry for fast results - fancy having a go?

I should have another site on page 2 for a few phrases in a couple of weeks?

I've just moved my main one from being stuck on page 2 for 47 phrases to being on page 1 for almost all of them, shame you didn't ask last month ;)

Personnaly, i dont think that you can be penalised for using that tool.

It's just that i can not promise anything...

I mean, I do not really care getting penalized on one keyword, but if that effects my whole site then I would care ;)
I have a site that's on page 10, i want to target two really competitive phrases with it which are in the domain. I'm in no hurry for fast results - fancy having a go?

It may work but personaly, i think it wont.

It may be interesting to give it a try.

I will pm you the details.
I mean, I do not really care getting penalized on one keyword, but if that effects my whole site then I would care ;)

If you get penalised, i think that it may be for the whole website but like i said, i dont think that it can.

It's better to test it on a website that is not so important.
I've got 100+ domains... PM me with your skype.

PM sent with skype id.

I will send a pm to all of you that asked for it.

For the others, i suggest you to wait for receiving feedbacks from the guys who will already tried it.

It's useless to have everyone trying it in case that it wont work.

What does the tool do specifically?

It's a fake google traffic generator to increase your CTR.

It's crawling google for specific websites and keywords and it's visiting websites, executing javascript, so, the stats will also be shown in Analytics and webmaster tools.

It's using random user agents and proxies.

You can determine the number of visits that you want to generate per keywords.

You can also set random delays between crawling of serp pages, random delay before visiting a website and random delay to stay on your website page.

Let me know if I can test it and we can help eachother out.
I had great comment by the_deamon, who had already tried it and it's better for you to wait that some changes will be done.. It will be more safe to dont be catched by GG.

As soon as changes are made, i will all send you a pm!
