Need someone to scrap images from flickr

Jun 21, 2015
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i need to download all urls in a text file and all images in a folder.
Where i want images is
Go here.
go in the last section
Public Domain Mark

Then i need to download all images there to my pc. there are 1.4 million pics around.
I need to download all images in small batches like 5k,10k,20,30k etc. I want to download images larger then 800X600 and skip those files which are larger then 1mb or so. if the file already exists\downloaded in a folder in my computer then it should skip that file.
it should be multithreaded.
Can someone make a bot to scrape all images from that section and url's in text file?
I dont need imacros.
My budget is 50$ for this. Dont message me if your price is higher then my budget.
I cannot pay first newbies but if you are a jr vip or donor then i can pay first. or else i will pay after the bot.
Or we can fix a trusted middleman from bhw whom we can both trust. I can pay to him and after you deliver bot to me and if i am satisfied(you made bot with such features) then the middleman pay you by keeping his commission.Please make sure you get everything clearly
let me know if you have any doubt
You won't get it done for $50, multi-threaded, and working.

You can't download the images, all of them, at least that's what I see.
Whatever category you pick, it shows you only 4 pages (100 most recent).
Can you do it manually ? Scraping more than 100 images ? If so, I'm wrong. If you can't though, a programmer
won't be able to help you out, because he'll just automate what it's supposed to work manually. If it doesn't work
manually, you're looking for a hacker, not a programmer, and that's not allowed here.

Good luck !
You won't get it done for $50, multi-threaded, and working.
You can't download the images, all of them, at least that's what I see.
Whatever category you pick, it shows you only 4 pages (100 most recent).

Can you do it manually ? Scraping more than 100 images ? If so, I'm wrong. If you can't though, a programmer
won't be able to help you out, because he'll just automate what it's supposed to work manually. If it doesn't work
manually, you're looking for a hacker, not a programmer, and that's not allowed here.

Good luck !
put any keyword in search like a,b,c etc you will get 200k images that is i want to scrape.
If you put all alphabets of english one by one as keyword you will get like 1.3 millions pics. i dont need exactly all but most of it
Makes sense.
For me the budget is too low, but hope you'll find someone :)
put any keyword in search like a,b,c etc you will get 200k images that is i want to scrape.
If you put all alphabets of english one by one as keyword you will get like 1.3 millions pics. i dont need exactly all but most of it
I have just sent you a PM.
Please revert back !!
I can do most of that but 50$ really low, I'm just not sure about image size 800x600 filter and the page is weird. For example:
You can see that it only load others images when you scroll down, it's kinda hard, i just figure out a way to do it but the budget is too low. I think it's fair if you pay: 100$. Pm me for more disscusion, facebook for faster respone
I can do most of that but 50$ really low, I'm just not sure about image size 800x600 filter and the page is weird. For example:
You can see that it only load others images when you scroll down, it's kinda hard, i just figure out a way to do it but the budget is too low. I think it's fair if you pay: 100$. Pm me for more disscusion, facebook for faster respone

ok i will let you know when i increase my budget . I will wait for others if they can do it within my budget.if not i will contact you
This can be done via scapping tool ...and low budget will not help approx $200 and u will have bot to get all images in folder and URL in text file ...and in case image size in less than 1 mb it will save and rest it will skip automatically

This can be done via scapping tool ...and low budget will not help approx $200 and u will have bot to get all images in folder and URL in text file ...and in case image size in less than 1 mb it will save and rest it will skip automatically

200$ is too much. i cant afford atm
still looking for someone within my budget!