Need SEO help on building & maintaining website ranking on Google


Nov 24, 2008
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Just as the title states, I need someone can quickly and efficiently get my 5 web sites with low results competition on Google(<50,000 results) to the #1 spots in each respective keyword search result and maintain it there for me daily. I have done my research but simply do not have the time to implement all of the SEO techniques that I have read about. PM me with offers on the unit cost to maintain 1 website, as if I can continue to build more sites I will pay more considering the load.
we will do it, contact us firstpage first position is our motto
hi dsr1, can you pm me too see what you can do for me. tell me the details and scope of your work, how long does it take for you to bring a keyword from 2nd page to #1 of G.
let's get my offpage seo, social bookmarking service. lots of satisfy customers
You may want to give us a try. I have a team of SEO people I have trained here in the Philippines. We are specialists in blogging and keyword analysis. We find your keywords and create blogs around them. We ping and submit to RSS aggregators. We backlink, get links by commenting in other one way ******** blogs and we use track backs. We use all kinds of bookmarks. We use pictures and videos targeted towards your niche. We use Squidoo lenses and max them for SEO and even commenting giving 5 stars. We can use every "whitehat" technique you can think of. Still I would never guarantee #1 position. What I could guarantee is DOMINATING that page on Google. Of course, I would need to see what keywords you want and your competition. I would also need to know how much money you are willing to invest on this campaign. You may also need some onsite SEO before you begin. I have 10 SEO people here right now who could make it happen for you. Do want to launch 20 or 40 Blogs targeting your niche and driving traffic to your website? Do you want us to do it ALL for you? You can put us on autopilot! HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? Sorry for the Caps.