Need little help regarding drop of sales

Warrior 66

Failed to resolve a dispute resolution thread.
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I am quite new in clickbank. I have ranked some sites and got some sales. From last few weeks, my sales are almost $150+/week but last week I got 0 sale. Although traffic, hop clicks and order form impression are almost same but no sales.

Can any expert of clickbank help me in this regard?

Thank You
It may sound weird, but I honestly think sometimes it's pure luck, especially when you just started and you are not big affiliate with 100 sales per week but few of them (like 5).
When you rely on small number of hops/little traffic there is a possibility luck will be worse on some weeks and you won't see any sales. If you keep promoting, getting bigger traffic it will happen less and less.
It varies on products too, I promoted 1 thing and from 300 hops I got 1 sale, few weeks later I moved on to the next one and after 10 hops I got a sale..
So my advice is don't worry about that, keep going and it will get better!
But I'm not an cb expert by any means, I also started few months ago and still learning, but these are my impressions.
Let's get another answer from someone with more cb experience because I'm curious if my thinking is right:)
It may sound weird, but I honestly think sometimes it's pure luck, especially when you just started and you are not big affiliate with 100 sales per week but few of them (like 5).
When you rely on small number of hops/little traffic there is a possibility luck will be worse on some weeks and you won't see any sales. If you keep promoting, getting bigger traffic it will happen less and less.
It varies on products too, I promoted 1 thing and from 300 hops I got 1 sale, few weeks later I moved on to the next one and after 10 hops I got a sale..
So my advice is don't worry about that, keep going and it will get better!
But I'm not an cb expert by any means, I also started few months ago and still learning, but these are my impressions.
Let's get another answer from someone with more cb experience because I'm curious if my thinking is right:)

Thank you so much for your input. I also thinks in a same way like luck factor but I am still confused.

Any expert there can help us? :)
sometimes i get 4 sales with 10 clicks and sometime 0 with 50 clicks , so as people said above its pure luck
Its happen with me also, Yesterday I earned $90 in CPA and today only $1 with same traffic, Sometime luck and sometime adv shave little bit :) No exact reason.
What's your traffic source OP?

My only traffic source is Google organic search traffic for product name, product name review type keywords.

Thanks to other members for their comments :)
The reason in this case is likely a drop in ranking.

Even if you are tracking the main kws in google and notice these haven't changed, you might have been previously (without you knowing) ranking for long tail variants/other kws, or you might have been ranking well in other search engines (eg yahoo) or international SE eg and now have lost rankings in this.

As others said though, it could also be pure luck. My first job back when I was 16 was at a restaurant. Some days we'd be fully booked, others barely a couple of tables...and there was no trends whatsoever in days of the week etc...

This applies to all kinds of selling.

I am also in this position. Last 2 weeks I got $150/week but this weeks $0. Traffic Sources & Hopes are same rather I am getting more traffic but no sells this week. :banghead:
I've got some sales this week, but for some reason, refunds have started to flood in. This week is probably a net negative for me. FML
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The reason in this case is likely a drop in ranking.

Even if you are tracking the main kws in google and notice these haven't changed, you might have been previously (without you knowing) ranking for long tail variants/other kws, or you might have been ranking well in other search engines (eg yahoo) or international SE eg and now have lost rankings in this.

As others said though, it could also be pure luck. My first job back when I was 16 was at a restaurant. Some days we'd be fully booked, others barely a couple of tables...and there was no trends whatsoever in days of the week etc...

This applies to all kinds of selling.


Yeah, May be you are right but my traffic from google is almost same. Well, from last couple of days sales are coming again just like they came in past days :) so may be it is luck factor.
Take a look at your awstats on your hosting cpanel and you will get a listing of the keywords that generated the traffic for the previous weeks. It is quite likely that there was a drop in the rankings for the long tail keywords that were bringing you the sales.