Need Help with Cnames & Blogger


Jun 14, 2009
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Hi all,
I'm new to blogs and having trouble with blogger & my web domain.

I registered a domain with godaddy. I didn't pay for hosting since I can use blogger. I've read instructions online on how to direct my blogspot to my domain, but I'm missing something in the setup process.

I have gone into the Total DNS Control Panel of GoDaddy, and I get that I am supposed create a new CNAME record. But I think I am screwing up something in the fields.

I have to fill in the following fields:
Enter an Alias Name _________
Points to hostname _________

The instructions say to add to one of the fields, I'm not sure which one that is. And I don't know what exactley should go in the opposite field, I keep getting error messages.

Can someone tell me what to put in these fields? Please and thanks.
Why bother creating it all manually? Just ensure your DNS points to your domain's servers. For example if u registered with name it will be like NS1.NAME.COM etc

And then log in to Blogger. Under Settings->Publishing. Choose the custom domain option and enter ur domain name. Also, tick the check box saying Redirect blah blah.

That should work, if not let me know!
Yeah I tried that :-( When I do that goggle says:

"The DNS record for your domain is not set up correctly yet. If you just purchased this domain the set up process may take up to a day. Learn more."

When I click on learn more, that's where it gives me the instructions to set up the CNAME through godaddy.

It does say however that the setup process for newly purchased domains may take up to 24 hours...Granted, I did just buy the domain maybe 10 hours ago, so do you think thats the problem? Just wait it out & I won't even have to bother with the cname?

Sorry, I'm a noob :-)
Point to and search "blogger + godaddy domain" without quotes.

many post about custom domain
Hi all,
I'm new to blogs and having trouble with blogger & my web domain.

I registered a domain with godaddy. I didn't pay for hosting since I can use blogger. I've read instructions online on how to direct my blogspot to my domain, but I'm missing something in the setup process.

I have gone into the Total DNS Control Panel of GoDaddy, and I get that I am supposed create a new CNAME record. But I think I am screwing up something in the fields.

I have to fill in the following fields:
Enter an Alias Name _________
Points to hostname _________

The instructions say to add to one of the fields, I'm not sure which one that is. And I don't know what exactley should go in the opposite field, I keep getting error messages.

Can someone tell me what to put in these fields? Please and thanks.

The problem may be that you are trying to create a new cname record, when one already exists.... Try editing the existing one, and do not forget to set your namehosts as well.