Need Help for proxy firewall install on window vps server


Regular Member
Feb 25, 2009
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I install a proxy firewall tool on my window vps server so that i can add and use my private proxy and rotate them with my software. The problem is before i add my software into proxy firewall tool, i test it with the browser and check the ip and it show my vps server ip and not my private proxy ip that i select.

I also install the proxy firewall on my pc and it working fine. My vps server is 64-bit Windows 2003 Server VPS. So anyone know how to fix it? Thanks
I would suggest that the 'private' proxies your using are actually transparent and not anonymous. Does it show the ip of your VPS for ALL your proxies? or just some?
I mean that when i check it whether it use my private proxy from the proxy firewall with browser, the proxy firewall is not link with the browser and it show my vps server ip. I know how to use the proxy firewall tool because i also install it on my normal PC and it working fine.

I dont know whether can install the proxy firewall on the vps server or not. Is that anyone getting proxy firewall working on 64-bit Windows 2003 Server VPS?
Im not too sure what your saying to be honest. You say that you've installed the software fine yes? In which case its NOT a software problem. If you are manually entering your proxy ip's into your web browser and then checking your IP address and then ip address being returned is your VPS then it means that your proxies are NOT anonymous and they are transparent.