Need Expert Poster. Write and Post Website Reviews, Similar skills to craigslist posting


Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score

I have tried freelancer and elance and can not find anyone capable of posting weekly reviews to ReviewCentre

I am looking to hire someone to do a test run of 100 reviews, split between two of my websites. The skills needed for this are similar to craigslist posting because they have a good filter for fake reviews, which is why you need to be able to post from MANY IP's, EMAIL ADDRESSES, and using different names for each post. To post on the website, you are required to create an account which just requires an email address and name, then you have to verify your email address by clicking a link in their email, and then you can post a review and if it is properly done then it will pass filtering and be published in 1 day. For this project, I just need 4 to 7 reviews daily until 100 are published on the website.

If someone can do this successfully, and you have PERFECT english as well, then I will immediately have ALOT of work for you to do this for other sites, i'm looking for up to 100 reviews per day, after this test posting, or as many as you can do...

I'm not limiting this to just choosing 1 freelancer, if you meet my requirements and price then I might hire you. The going rate is typically $0.50 to $0.75 per review, however, I will pay $1 per published review... If you are interested then please tell your skills and availability and your experience!