Need an outsourcing company or an Indian


Junior Member
Sep 26, 2008
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I'm looking for someone to do some really reasonable work for me and think that an Indian company or individual might work well for this. I am not able to pay a lot right now and need someone to do some various things for me. I definitely need some cheap articles written, but will need some other stuff done as time goes on. If you are reliable and stick with me, I will keep you on and treat you well. Let me know...:D
I can help you out in the content domain. Check out my site if you are really interested in getting quality articles done at a very affordable price.
I opened this thread because of this topic. Kinda weird how you put your query. Whats Indian have to do with anything?
I've PM'd those that have asked to be PM'd. through the forums and you will learn enough so that you don't have to ask such questions. ;)
If you plan on using those articles to generate a respectable level of sales then you are most likely going to have to pay for quality.

People with English as a first language usually charge more.
I've PM'd those that have asked to be PM'd. through the forums and you will learn enough so that you don't have to ask such questions. ;)

I do read through the forums. I thought It would be obvious to you that the reason I wrote my post was for you to be careful how you phrased your request. If I were Indian, I'd be offended because you generalized
You did generalize, and racial slur is not allowed...
I'm looking for someone to do some really reasonable work for me and think that an Indian company or individual might work well for this. I am not able to pay a lot right now and need someone to do some various things for me. I definitely need some cheap articles written, but will need some other stuff done as time goes on. If you are reliable and stick with me, I will keep you on and treat you well. Let me know...:D

Be careful how you phrase things, you're comparing an Indian to an outsourcing company :)

we are ready to submission of articles, podcast directory submissions, web directory submissions, forums, chat boards , link building services etc

[email protected]
I am an Indian and I dont think the OP offended or outrated Indians here...
I'm looking for someone to do some really reasonable work
Thanks for calling Indians reasonable...

The OP just wanted to give us (Indians) a chance to do his job and win his heart!! If any Indian who can satisfy his needs, he will definitely give more work to Indians...

Om Shanthi.... (Peace)

+ Rep!!!
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I guess the concept of generalizing is hard to grasp. It isn't about weather you were offended or not, its the fact that its saying that Indians In general do cheap work. Its like saying I need a landscaping company or a mexican(no generalization intended) to do reasonable work cleaning my yard cheap. I wasn't talking about how reasonable the quality of work is done... Someone can wash my balls and do a reasonable job at it, doesn't mean you should be happy about it.
man you need to talk reasonably and I really hate this kind of talk when you do. I myself being an Indian average over 100K in a month and have many people form foreign countries working for me.

Please don't promote racism here and trust me Indian can do a lot of wonder, You will understand with time :)


we are ready to submission of articles, podcast directory submissions, web directory submissions, forums, chat boards , link building services etc

[email protected]

Thank you and PM me please with what all your company does. I have a couple of huge projects coming up and if I can use you, I definitely will..;)