[Need Advice] I have only the list - Email Marketing


Junior Member
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Hello guys,

yes, I have used the search box and I've read many of the Email Marketing Threads, but there are still some questions...

I will go straight to the point:

  • I have targeted lists (over 100k mails), segmented into different niches, all active buyers (bought a product in the certain niche in the last month). The problem is - I am new to email marketing, email services and email configurations, smtps, etc.

Apart from that, they are not my subscribers, they did not opted in my own list, but I can target them pretty well.

So, what are my options then?

  • Can I go with a hosted service (they will ban me?) or I should get a custom solution and software (any suggestions?)

As far as I know the IPs are the most important part for successfully inboxing. How many will I need ? How many domains should I get?

  • So as to the pure offers. Can I go straight to promoting them targeted offers or it is better to send them to my website to build up trust first, or sending a couple of informative mails, before actually offering them something?

Maybe the best way to answer the questions from this part is simpy to test, so the only obsticle in my first email campaign would be the initial email sending.

Any advice would be much appreaciated!

This is truly the best advice that you have given yourself, which is to set something up and run your own tests. Without knowing the source of your email leads, and noting that you personally likely have no real relationship with these people - it is difficult for us to know the best monetization vehicle for you. As such, testing is definitely in order.

One thing you can try that may help you is to move these leads to your own double opt-in list by offering them a download in the same niche so that you can literally squeeze them into your own channel, and start the relationship off well. By giving them value, you can entice them to directly opt-in - minimize spam complaints - and add longevity to your leads. Good luck!
@davers Thanks for the reply.

Actually I know the source of the emails (as I said they are active buyers and I know what general service they bought). But yes, I do not have real relationship with this people, because they are not my clients.

My bigger struggle is the technical configuration and the actual email sending questions. As for the rest, yes I will just test once I start sending.

This is truly the best advice that you have given yourself, which is to set something up and run your own tests. Without knowing the source of your email leads, and noting that you personally likely have no real relationship with these people - it is difficult for us to know the best monetization vehicle for you. As such, testing is definitely in order.

One thing you can try that may help you is to move these leads to your own double opt-in list by offering them a download in the same niche so that you can literally squeeze them into your own channel, and start the relationship off well. By giving them value, you can entice them to directly opt-in - minimize spam complaints - and add longevity to your leads. Good luck!
you can try aweber solution , I guess this is what you are looking for.
Try free mandrill smtp. It's free upto 12k. Try and then think which will be the most cost effective way depending on the quality of the leads.
this is easy.......

First, since this isn't your list you're going to have a high complaint rate. When I get a new list I first "clean" it by sending the first campaign through free accounts. I would setup an offer than reflects their past purchases and direct them to that.

Now after the first cleaning you will be able to filter out the bad apples (bounces and people who report you as spam). Move these to a better, maybe self-hosted system and start your campaigns....