Mass Posting
1. Create an account.
2. Add a profile picture.
3. Make three posts.
4. Log out.
5. Repeat the process with a new account.
Mass DMing/Commenting
1. Mass DM:
• Go through the follower lists of specified users.
• DM all followers.
• Due to rate limits, each account can only send DMs to 6-10 followers before creating a new account.
2. Mass Tagging:
• Mass tag users under a parent post hosted by the account.
These functionalities ensure efficient mass posting and targeted mass DMing/commenting within rate limits.
For an app called Lemon 8
1. Create an account.
2. Add a profile picture.
3. Make three posts.
4. Log out.
5. Repeat the process with a new account.
Mass DMing/Commenting
1. Mass DM:
• Go through the follower lists of specified users.
• DM all followers.
• Due to rate limits, each account can only send DMs to 6-10 followers before creating a new account.
2. Mass Tagging:
• Mass tag users under a parent post hosted by the account.
These functionalities ensure efficient mass posting and targeted mass DMing/commenting within rate limits.
For an app called Lemon 8
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