[$$$] Need a quick wordpress modification done ASAP!


Regular Member
May 6, 2012
Reaction score

I've got a site made in wordpress and in the theme, the <h2> titles have little lines to the right of them like this:

Fullscreen capture 17052014 163020.bmp.jpg

However for some reason, the lines now go through the titles. It was working fine before so I don't know what happened.

Here's what it looks like now:

Screenshot 2014-05-17 16.33.02.png.jpg

Also, the site is supposed to be full width but doesn't go full width on 1920px monitors.

If you can fix these problems, PM me your skype and we'll talk! I need to get it sorted today.
In have been helping quite a few members from bhw for their WordPress issues, would love to help you as well... Ping me on Skype or drop a PM.
OP, be careful with giving anyone access to your backend. If you do, make sure your define their user role to something limited. So they can't just steal your site from you. Good luck.
I can help you with that
I have sent you my skype id
add me if you are still looking for someone
Add me up on skype , if you are still looking for someone .
Update: Secret Agent fixed my site and did a great job. Please don't PM me anymore as the work is now completed.