Need a PHP / WordPress Developer

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Regular Member
Dec 23, 2021
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I need the PHP developer to edit some small codes in my WordPress website. I have a WooCommerce website, and I have these two plugins in it

Product Expiry for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Waitlist (Nulled Version)​

I use the "Product Expiry for woo" to get a date from user and product will expire and automatically get out of stock on that date. I want to add some features to this plugin.
1- when the product expires, I want to show a status on frontend by enabling and ACF checkbox in the product editor. ( The ACF checkbox show a status on some different places using Elementor dynamic tag. I dont need ACF ,... i just need it enable and disable by the plugin condition"
2- when the product expired I want it automatically add to a specific tag ex: "previous events"
3- when products get out of stock, it automatically enables waitlist using the second plugin (WooCommerce waitlist) and these two plugins interfere with each other. When the product expired, I don't need waitlist. So waitlist should just enable when the date is before that expiration dates. ( Waitlist can enable/disable by a checkbox)

Budget : I'm In third-world country, so the budget is low as possible

TAT : 1-2 day

* You won't have the admin login details. You give me your codes and i will test on my website
* Payment : Crypto / Paypal
* I have 7-8 other projects, if i find someone with good skill and reasonable price the partnership can be continued
Hello, We can help you with the service. You can get premium quality service from us as you expected we offer better price quotations.

Kindly please DM to Inbox for further details.
already fixed or still need, if still need please contact us.
thank you

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