Need a good video host


Registered Member
Oct 3, 2009
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I'm looking for a free video host like Youtube but one which doesn't allow public access to the videos I'll be uploading. I'm making a video website and will be using jwplayer for playing the vids.
I don't think Youtube has the option of preventing public access. I only want the people who visit my website to be seeing the videos.
Bring in the suggestions please...
2 Solutions that i have in mind:

1. Windows media streaming dedicated server / each file on a different publishing point, each publishing point with his username and password ( licence for windows media streaming server it is around $10K, you can find some company that sell a shared version with less, i can give you a suggestion too in PM if you are interest)
2. Second should be a flash media dedicated interactive(streaming + run applications on it) server, a good flash web developer and he can do a restriction for each video with a username and password ( licence for flash it is around $5k for adobe and $2-25k for wowza server) i know a good company that sell this type of service too :)
In flash adobe you have files named Vhosts.xml Application.xml and also allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt with editing that files you can restrict a file to be played only to a specified domain.
hope it help you
Whoa!! I need a free host where I can disable the function of my video showing on the hosts' gallery.