Need a Bot to improve a song ranking on Beatport !!!


May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Hi there, I need a Bot to improve a song ranking on Beatport. Anyone got any ideas? Here's what I need:

  1. It should be able to work with the latest security in practice on beatport.
  2. One script should be able to choose one High Anonymity Private Proxy, and then,
  3. Create a Account on Hotmail
  4. Create a Beatport account using this email address and verify the account a well.
  5. logout of hotmail
  6. logout of beatport.
  7. Clear cookies
  8. Change the proxy to another High Anonymity Private Proxy.
  9. Repeat from Step 3.
  10. Until the count has reached a pre-determined value (which may usually be 1000+).

Now the second script, should
  1. Be able to choose one High Anonymity Private Proxy, and then,
  2. Login to a Beatport Account using id credentials from the list of accounts that were created in the first script execution.
  3. Purchase the song using credit card .
  4. Download the song as in .mp3 format.
  5. logout of beatport.
  6. Clear the cookies.
  7. Change the proxy to another High Anonymity Private Proxy.
  8. Repeat from Step 2.
  9. Until the count has reached a pre-determined value (which may usually be 1000+).

PM me if you have the skills to create something like this. The proxies need to work across the board. I also need some recommendation about where should i purchase the High Anonymity Private Proxy private proxies from. I need the ability to assign a perm proxy to each account, but also have it override the account proxy and use an IP:PORT list if need be.

Add me on skype. I can create this.
Check for my skype id in my profile.
It's Purchases that increases the rankings, you really want to buy your own song multiple times?

Hi there, I need a Bot to improve a song ranking on Beatport. Anyone got any ideas? Here's what I need:

  1. It should be able to work with the latest security in practice on beatport.
  2. One script should be able to choose one High Anonymity Private Proxy, and then,
  3. Create a Account on Hotmail
  4. Create a Beatport account using this email address and verify the account a well.
  5. logout of hotmail
  6. logout of beatport.
  7. Clear cookies
  8. Change the proxy to another High Anonymity Private Proxy.
  9. Repeat from Step 3.
  10. Until the count has reached a pre-determined value (which may usually be 1000+).

Now the second script, should
  1. Be able to choose one High Anonymity Private Proxy, and then,
  2. Login to a Beatport Account using id credentials from the list of accounts that were created in the first script execution.
  3. Purchase the song using credit card .
  4. Download the song as in .mp3 format.
  5. logout of beatport.
  6. Clear the cookies.
  7. Change the proxy to another High Anonymity Private Proxy.
  8. Repeat from Step 2.
  9. Until the count has reached a pre-determined value (which may usually be 1000+).

PM me if you have the skills to create something like this. The proxies need to work across the board. I also need some recommendation about where should i purchase the High Anonymity Private Proxy private proxies from. I need the ability to assign a perm proxy to each account, but also have it override the account proxy and use an IP:PORT list if need be.

As per our research,
Beatport is detecting the base IP while we are using the Proxy to purchase the song.

Does anybody know of any solution to this. So that we can protect (/hide) the base IP.
So that Beat port only know about the IP address of the Proxy server and not our local IP address.

Any Edited Browser or any script to fit into the Browser for this... would do the Job for us.