Need a bit of help :D

Jan 31, 2009
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hey guys,

im 17 yrs old and im really interested in starting my own t-shirt printing business.
so far i have one design done

and i have alot of potential buyers from a forum that are itnerested.

Now I am charging $15, and I really do not have alot of starting money, so is there somewhere I can print these T-Shirts for very little because most of them are 10 per or you have to buy in bulk.

I understand I wont be making alot right away-- but im hoping ill be able to make a good $5 profit.

Can any1 offer any cheap places possibly under $7 per shirt== mainly black shirts
or you dont need to buy in bulk that is cheap.

Or have any alternative to printing from a company?
ANything will help.
Since you are 17 getting a loan can be difficult. If you really think this can make money then ask people to borrow the money to get you started. Find a company in china or similar that will print them off for really cheap.

Just borrow enough to order your first bulk amount. Then make sure you pay back the money you borrowed. Then place another order, scale up and repeat.

I have a small tshirt/hat company. Kind of a twist off of another tshirt company, but funny.

Hope everything works out well for you though.
Yeah, it really is. WIthout buying bulk you'll always be limited with your profit margins. It's pretty rare to be able to find suppliers at rock bottom rates without bulk orders. I would start out with looking for an investor, whether a family member, friend etc. Hook up a connection with cheap bulk rates and then take it from there.
Or just keep it simple and try sites that do all the work for zazzle etc. Profit is low but if you make alot of sales this will give you some start up money for bulk purchases.
I agree zazzle is great because you can design the shirt on then sell it on there site for free and get part of each sale:)

Or just keep it simple and try sites that do all the work for zazzle etc. Profit is low but if you make alot of sales this will give you some start up money for bulk purchases.
You want to head over to

It's perfect what you need. you can make t-shirts for 6$ there I guess..
As a starter, if you have no other option, create the designs and sell them in bulk only instead of 1 at a time, I;m sure you'll find some buyers to get you started... better than doing nothing:)

hey guys,

im 17 yrs old and im really interested in starting my own t-shirt printing business.
so far i have one design done

and i have alot of potential buyers from a forum that are itnerested.

Now I am charging $15, and I really do not have alot of starting money, so is there somewhere I can print these T-Shirts for very little because most of them are 10 per or you have to buy in bulk.

I understand I wont be making alot right away-- but im hoping ill be able to make a good $5 profit.

Can any1 offer any cheap places possibly under $7 per shirt== mainly black shirts
or you dont need to buy in bulk that is cheap.

Or have any alternative to printing from a company?
ANything will help.