The title says everything, i need 200 people or more to win a contest on facebook. If i get this today, I'll win an ipad 2. This is no scam, but a legit contest. What your need to do is click on a legit app, do a few next clicks and confirm. Everyone can remove this app from his apps after that, it will still count.
Every participant who takes a screenshot of his action will get a premium account of his choice or a scrapebox blast or whatever he needs i have it.
I want this free ipad 2 that the first place gets, so if someone can help me please contact me. It needs to be 200 people today. If you think you can get more than one person to do this, please also contact me. Contact me in any way. This is no joke and wont take 30 seconds for everyone.
Hope i can get the help
Every participant who takes a screenshot of his action will get a premium account of his choice or a scrapebox blast or whatever he needs i have it.
I want this free ipad 2 that the first place gets, so if someone can help me please contact me. It needs to be 200 people today. If you think you can get more than one person to do this, please also contact me. Contact me in any way. This is no joke and wont take 30 seconds for everyone.
Hope i can get the help