N*eve@rblue - shaving ass motherfuckers


Power Member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
I just sent at least 10 guaranteed leads (i tracked them personally) and not a single one has registered. Is it a bs network? That's so frustrating.

Which are the best ones to join? Copeac/azoogle?
If you truly just sent them you realize that means they may not be registered in your stats yet? Most networks don't track in real time.
Neverblue is a very good network. It normally takes 24hrs for stats to update. Sometimes in can take a few days due to problems, and also they maybe reviewing your leads before they update your stats if your a noob.

When your a noob they will treat you different from established members. There stats may update instantly as they are well known by the network. If you have just signed up, they generally will review your methods, leads and sites before updating your stats and paying you money.

You should form a business relationship with your AM over the phone. Make sure you have a corp or even a central business site.

If you just signed up with limited information and then just sent them loads of leads using a variety of methods, then don't expect them to accept your leads and pay you.
I have never had any problems with them.

and must you use the MF word in your title? Dang.
NeverBlue are top notch in my view in all areas.They pay really for particular offers and work with you very nicely. After a bit of sweet talking a few months ago they paid me $3800 no probs for illegal torrent incentivised traffic, so there u go , that is an example of their flexibility and greatness :)
i think neverbule is okay for you at very first time. so try it.

then run other accounts like Copeac/azoogle
Neverblue is known for their shaving.

Just do a search for "Neverblue Shaving".

Most CPA networks do it, just part of the game.
neverblue 100% shaves. And they do it often.

Not sure which level this comes from, but my experience is that they allow the affiliate programs to shave and that it doesn't come from Neverblue themselves.

They should be ashamed, but it also likely explains the seemingly high quality offers they have. Only trouble is that "leads" are actually more like "sales" and who knows if they shave there too.
It's not the networks, it's the advertisers.

It's part of the game, just change offers.
I hate people say, "its part of the game". To me its unethical and down right scam. If it ever happened to me, i would hire a lawyer and sue their asses. Also please dont say "its part of internet marketing". Its NOT. Dont be shaved, you worked hard for it and its your right to "have" the money you are owed.
well said....we work hard...and we should get the deserve money....
imagine92020: Good luck suing them. When you sign up you pretty much agree to that they can do whatever they want with whatever you earn.

However, yea.. we worked fucking hard. I want to get credited for ALL my fucking incentivized leads.
Well if anyone who's made a comment in this thread is using any BH methods on these networks, call it even if you get some leads shaved. I don't cry when they shave my leads because quite frankly, I'm reverse-shaving, for lack of a better term, with the BH leads that I'm sending them.

Yes, shaving is a part of the game, so even white hatters should be sending some BH leads just to compensate for the inevitable shaving that's going to take place. Bottom line is, the networks have us by the balls because if you aren't doing shady things, there's no way that we could know that shaving is taking place for sure, meaning how can you call them on it without admitting to them that you're sending garbage leads?

So if you're gonna send BH leads, come to grips with the fact that it's part of the business, quit whining, suck it up, and go make some more money!
So many people have double standards. They moan that networks and advertisers shave and hold their commissions yet they are using blackhat methods to generate these commissions. At the end of the day what do you expect? Deal with it and move on!

This is the networks and advertisers own little Blackhat Method!!! If you where an advertiser or network owner don't tell me you would not shave, because if you didn't your business would not last very long. If you paid for every single lead generated - weither it be legit, blackhat or illegal you would be bankrupt within a heatbeat.

Its just the way the system works.
Not sure what you guys are talking about. I had loads of my friends do ads and then checked the results to test if NB was shaving... All matured and I got paid.

Perhaps your 'leads' never matured or didn't meet 100% of the requirements???
Anyone know how to shave leads????? Im interested in knowing hot to do it from a advertisers standpoint?
Anyone know how to shave leads????? Im interested in knowing hot to do it from a advertisers standpoint?

it would be pretty stupid for anyone to answer this, do you really think anyone wants to give help to the advertisers to teach them how to shave profits from OURSELVES?