Well if anyone who's made a comment in this thread is using any BH methods on these networks, call it even if you get some leads shaved. I don't cry when they shave my leads because quite frankly, I'm reverse-shaving, for lack of a better term, with the BH leads that I'm sending them.
Yes, shaving is a part of the game, so even white hatters should be sending some BH leads just to compensate for the inevitable shaving that's going to take place. Bottom line is, the networks have us by the balls because if you aren't doing shady things, there's no way that we could know that shaving is taking place for sure, meaning how can you call them on it without admitting to them that you're sending garbage leads?
So if you're gonna send BH leads, come to grips with the fact that it's part of the business, quit whining, suck it up, and go make some more money!