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MySpace My URL Trick


Junior Member
May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Months ago I was reading a thread on this BHW which taught you putting this code onto myspace profile. Then whoever clicking on the upper portion of your profile page it goes directly to your own web site:

<a z= </z href="http://YOURDOMAIN" style="position:absolute; top:0px;background-repeat:no-repeat;left:0px; height:860px;width:1263px; background-image:url(http://x.myspace.com/images/clear.gif); background-position:left;">

It worked pretty well. But,

Problem 1: Just today I went changing the width from 1263px to smaller size, myspace removes the script upon saving. Now I lose this feature on my profile page : (

Problem 2: I created a new myspace account for another purpose. Made it using Profile 2.0, tried inserting the same code. Myspace doesn't remove the script, but the script is not functioning at all.

Anyone has new codes to lead people clicking on your profile page to your own web site?
I have the fix for that issue, it's pretty simple, once I tell you you will think why didn't you think of it. But I need a reputable friend adder, all the desktop based ones are trash and the PHP adder script I have installed on my server is now trash. I have scraped the net in search of one but I refuse to purchase any of them for fear that they will be just another gui based slow adder.

Send me the adder, I'll post the fix for the URL trick.
I really need the fix. Pm sent. if anyone else knows plz post.

Nvm i figured it out lol. im pretty sure i got it working.
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Don't use profile 2.0 that is messing the coding up.
Do it manually
Nvm, myspace removes the code. i thought i had it but i don't any idea's?
I'm having the same problem, if anyone else knows ......
anyone have a fix to this ...this would be a great
Is that code still working? I just got a "spam" message from someone on myspace and they were able to get their url to work without going to myspaces filter. Here's the code I found when I did view source....

<span class="text"><div style="{position:absolute; left:50%; top:176px; margin-left:-400px; width:800px; text-align:center; border:0px black solid; background-color:ffffff; padding:0px;"><form action="h ttp :// www .lx xgz .co m" method="get"><input type="image" src="h ttp :// img 18. ima ges hac k.u s/i mg1 8/8 09/ ovl era ylo ng1 yy0 2dq 7.g if" /></form></div></style></span>

I tried to just take that code and put it in a new profile and it worked except that it put the filter link on it. So how did they do it? Here's a link to that profile... we'll see how long it's up... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=451133657

Also, this person is promoting xxxblackbook.com. Those guys are cool with promoting on Myspace??
Is that code still working? I just got a "spam" message from someone on myspace and they were able to get their url to work without going to myspaces filter. Here's the code I found when I did view source....

Also, this person is promoting xxxblackbook.com. Those guys are cool with promoting on Myspace??

Account DELETED :p
That works on a Comedy, Filmmaker or Band account. Does not work on a regular account.