Myspace Advertising Accounts $100 and more

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Regular Member
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
I am offering advertising accounts for Myspace. Each account is verified and has a $100+ credit limit.

If you buy an account and need help using it or running ads on them. We will assist you in that also.

We are also offering using our own Myspace advertising accounts for your program.

Here are the prices on the services.

Myspace Advertising Accounts -

1-3 $50
4-8 $40
8-12 $30

For more accounts than 12 please contact us for special pricing.

Online help in making and running ads in purchased accounts is FREE!!!

Posting on our Myspace Advertising Accounts -

Clicks will cost

.15 cents for 250-500 clicks
.10 for 500+ clicks

For this service you must pay in advance and then we will provide access and screenshots to the accounts so you can see the clicks you have gotten for you campaign.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
how are you getting clicks so cheap. The minimum is $.25/click with MS.
Is there a minimum order ?
and let's do a test.

has anyone gotten any traffic from him yet?

I was getting someone traffic. I will be able to start some other orders. Twisted I will contact you on AIM for a test.

Also when we do this we work on campaign optimization to give you pointers the get more clicks on your campaigns.
Is there a minimum order ?
and let's do a test.


For the clicks I prefer at least $50 Can go lower amounts depending on what you want.

I cannot edit the first post but the structure for clicks will change soon. The lowest I am able to go and still profit from this is around .12. The ones above will stand until I make a new thread.
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